Neptune the Snitch (Final Part)

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Standing before, Matt's front door and porch, was Takashi Shirogane, aka Shiro. Holding Neptune, his German Shepherd, who had his glasses in his mouth.

Matt could feel a bit of anxiety boiling up in his stomach as he looked at shiro.

"Sh-Shiro what are you doing here??" He asked, in a low voice sounding a bit nervous, "and why do you have my dog?"

"Well, your dog escaped, again." He said, his tone a bit deep, seeing how puberty was taking its toll on the young man, "and he had your glasses in his mouth and he was barking up a storm, so I thought you were in trouble."

Matt face palmed really hard in his head. How did he not notice his own dog was missing and even better had his glasses in his mouth. Matt sighed and took Neptune out of his hands and dropped him inside grabbing his glasses out of his mouth.

"Well, I'm okay. Neptune was probably looking for some attention since I've—" Matt remembered his lie and stuttered for a moment,"—b-been helping KitKat with her preschool project."

Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Now Matt," he started to say, "we both know when you lie you stutter when you tell what's going on in there?"

"Nothing shiro! I swear on all of space and time, Katie and I are working on her preschool project."

Shiro let out a small sigh of defeat. To Matt, that meant Shiro was hurt, but he couldn't help it. He started to feel guilt now boiling in his stomach, but knew he had to stay strong.

"Alright..I'll be seeing you around okay?" Said Shiro standing up straight, "also....nice girly clothes matt."

Matt felt his anxiety hit him hard in the chest, and watched him walk off. Did he find out????? Did he know it was him??? He could fell his heart pounding, but when he closed the door and turned around he noticed Tristy and Amelia were there.

"You know Shiro?" Asked tristy walking up to him, "I thought you said you didn't."

Matt could see the world ending. His secret would be found out, and everyone would hate him. But no, he had to stay strong and keep fighting til the end.

"Well I don't know him personally, he's more of a family friend." Matt said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh realllly? And we're just hearing about this now?" Asked Amelia, with venom in her voice.

Matt stuttered and fidgeted. He knew he was in a lot of trouble and could feel his anxiety worsening.

"Well what's he like?" Asked Amelia, "what's his favorite food? Favorite pet? Does he like sushi? Does he like..."

Matt decided to drown her questions out. He didn't know if Shiro saw them and he prayed he didn't or else there'd be a lot of yelling and explaining. But this was all in Matt's head; Shiro would of course try to help out and understand but even now what Matt was doing was unacceptable and it made him think he's gonna have to tell him. He can't lie forever and secrets don't last. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

He noticed the girls were trying to get his attention but he was just to lost in thought and trying to mentally calm down.

"Well Matt it's been fun but we have to go." Said Tristy dragging Amelia off, "see ya tomorrow!!"

Matt watched them leave and he couldn't help but feel bad. He treated them rudely and on top of that he somewhat lied. He then reminded himself he got himself into this mess and had to keep pushing forward til the end.


As time went by he got all showered up and all calm down. He was currently down stairs watching a movie with Katie.

"Hey Matt?" Asked Katie, not looking away from the screen.

"Hm?" He replied.

"Are you turning into a girl?" She now looked at him.

Matt was a bit taken a back but he chuckled.

"Nah Katie I'm not turning into a girl." He responded.

"But you keep looking like one..."

"It's complicated but I'm still your big brother right?"

"Mhm!" She nodded and smiled and Matt couldn't help but smile back.

"Oh and Matt, can you do makeup tomorrow? I wanna look as pretty as you." She asked giving him puppy dog eyes. Matt couldn't help but giggle at that, knowing this was he secret weapon of getting stuff.

"You're already pretty Katie don't say that." Matt sighed, "but I can make you look prettier if you'd like!"

She laughed and hugged him. "Okay! Mama I'm gonna be prettier tomorrow!"

She hopped up from the couch and ran to her mom all a buzz.

Matt couldn't help but chuckle at that. He loved his little sister and couldn't help but smile whenever he saw her. She is a brilliant child for her age always wanting to learn and always trying to solve problems. Who knows what great things she'll accomplish when she's older.

Matt's thoughts were interrupted when his phone went off. He picked up and saw he got a message from Shiro.

Shiro: hey Matt next time you want time alone with your little sister don't lie kay? Just tell the truth.

Matt could feel a wave of relief that Shiro didn't see Tristy or Amelia.

Matt: right....sorry about that ^^'

Shiro: you're lucky I love your dog and your sister or I would never forgive you.

Matt couldn't help but chuckle. He turned off his phone and looked at Neptune. Neptune got up and rested his head on Matt's thighs.

"What am I going to do with you?" Matt said quietly, gently petting him, "you're nothing but a little snitch!"

Neptune looked up and gave him a little lick on the nose, getting a giggle from Matt.

Sorry for the somewhat short chapter but hey don't worry it's just I'm sick and trying to get better atm but I'll try to update.

And I'm working on something. Something kinda big.

What is it you may ask?

Well I'm not gonna give big details but

If you know me I love anime. And one of my favorites is Danganronpa

So what two of my friends and I are doing is planning. It's gonna have original character, original backstories, a somewhat original plot, etc etc. Infact we've already have the main three (like Makoto, Kyo, Togami And Hinata, Nagito, Chiaki, etc.) And thats all I'm gonna say.

If you don't know it check it out it's worth it but there's a lot of pink blood and death so bit of a warning right. But yeah

Have great day/night and I will update this soon!

It's Me...But Not Me {Shiro x Matt Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now