Chapter 2: First Day (Part One)

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5:30 am.....what was Matt thinking, he could get up this early. He rubbed his eyes and did a combination of a yawn and sigh. He knew it wasn't a good idea staying up until midnight watching makeup tutorials and looking up how to do cute hairstyles. So now he was gonna be running on 5 hours of sleep. Great.

He slowly got up and shut his alarm off. As he slugged off to the bathroom to go shower, he dragged his new mint green dress on the floor.

When he got out and he successfully shaved his legs with only a few cuts at the top since this was his first time and shaved all the necessary areas, he put on his boxers and soon his dress. He slowly looked at himself and starred. He already looked like a girl, but dang this added on to it. He frowned a bit but knew he was doing this for a reason and there was no turning back. He slowly brushed his hair and tried his best to style it, like it looked in a picture he saw. But it ended up coming out as a mess. He groaned a bit and tried again. It was even worse than if he just left his hair as it was if he didn't take a shower. He groaned and face palmed himself. This was already difficult and it wasn't even 7:00 am.

how do girls do this?! Thought Matt trying his best to brush it back but the brush got stuck in his hair and it made him more annoyed. He opened the bathroom door and went to his mom, who wasn't even awake yet.

"Mom? I need your help." He said embarrassed a bit. He saw his mom slowly sit up from her bed and look at her 13 year old son's hair all messy with a brush stuck in it. She slowly nodded as if she understood what to do.

"Go.." she yawned, "and go take a seat in the kitchen ill help you in a minute."

Matt walked to the kitchen and crossed his arms. He saw his dog, Neptune, trot up to him and lick his leg. Matt slowly petted his soft fur and smiled. He was happy at least his dog recognized him.

A few minutes later, Matt's mom came out to the kitchen carrying her brush since his brush was still stuck in his hair. When she got the brush out of Matt's hair (which was a painful process), she started to style his hair and even got her curling iron and did soft curls for him. When she finished she told him to go brush his teeth and put on deodorant (which she bought him cause she's best mom) and get ready. Matt ran upstairs with his dog following behind him. He grabbed a purple headband and pulled his hair all back, expect his bangs, since he read somewhere that girls usually don't have there bangs back when it comes to headbands. He did all the necessities and put his glasses on and looked at himself.

He shocked himself.

He looked like a girl with a bob hair cut in soft curls. His mint green dress complimented every feature he had even his cute little freckles. He chuckled at himself and twirled, looking at his dress.

Why is this so comfortable? He asked himself in his head, how do I make this work?!

He heard his mom call him down for breakfast. He looked at the clock and saw it was finally 7:00. 15 more minutes until he goes to school. He grabbed his phone and saw Shiro texted him. He read it and it said:

Shiro: Hey man ready for a new year of hell?

Matt chuckled and responded.

Matt: yup.

Shiro: what classes do you have?

Matt thought for a minute. He didn't want to tell Shiro his plan and wanted to see how he would react to him crossdressing. He didn't want to lie to his best friend but he had no choice.

Matt: sadly no. I'm going to a different school...sorry man.

Shiro: wait what? Why now?!

Matt: it was a sudden transfer..I was gonna tell you but it was just chaos I'm sorry ;-;

Shiro: ...oh alright. It's okay bud. We can still hangout right?

Matt: duh I can't abandon you yet lol

Matt sighed and ate his breakfast. He'd be leaving soon so he may as well savor this good meal before all it is, is just plain old cereal and gross cafeteria food.


Thank god I bought a regular, old, black, backpack. Matt thought looking at his school.

It was about 20 years old and a bit rundown but it still worked fine. Fine as in the district isn't concerned with all the mold and broken pipes yet. Although everything could be updated, he knew the school didn't have enough money. The least they could do is not buy expired food, but whatever.

As he looked at his schedule he saw a few people starring at him. He got a bit anxious but then he listened to the whispers. While he lacked in sight, he made it up with his hyper sensitive hearing.

"She must be new here..."

"She's really pretty..."

"Wonder where she got that dress.."

He heard those whispers and a few more and smiled. His plan worked. Everyone thought he was a girl and a new student at that!

As he continued to walk past the gym to go to his class which was a few feet behind it near the pool, he saw the people who made fun of talking to Shiro. His Shiro. His best friend. Takashi Shirogane was talking to the people that's been teasing him since day one. He huffed knowing that he wouldn't tell him about the crossdressing matter probably for a while now. But then heard one of them say something a bit quietly. He tried to pretend that he wasn't listening.

"Hey who's the pretty girl?" He heard one of them ask.

"Who cares wonder what cup size she wears.." another one said.

He looked around trying to make it seem like he was looking for her class but saw Shiro just roll his eyes and smiled like it was a normal thing. Oh boy did he get upset. He continued to walk to his class and sat down. He couldn't tell if it was going to be a good day or a really awful first day of his last year in middle school.


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