Polished Nails and Shaved Legs (Final Part)

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"Matt time to wake up." Said his father, Sam Holt, gently shaking his son awake. Matt groaned in disapproval and pulled the covers up.

"Come on matt, remember our deal?" He asked trying to stay quiet, so he doesn't wake Shiro. Matt sighed and slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. 5:00, read his alarm and he frowned.

As his father left, Matt tip-toed his way to his closet and slowly opened it. He grabbed a pink skirt with music notes on it and a white sweater. He grabbed socks too, and looked back at shiro before going to the bathroom.

Shiro laid there, peaceful and quiet on the air mattress, with the pillow and blankets he was given. Matt couldn't help but blush a bit. He was use to waking Shiro up, laying on him and jumping on him to wake him up. But for some reason, the memory seemed distant almost. But it wasn't. The last time he did that was the first week of June on the last week, and it was only mid September. He crept up a bit closer to Shiro and studied the sleeping boys face. Something in him felt off. His whole body had adrenaline running through him, nervousness creeping over him, his heart pounding. He didn't understand this new feeling, especially how it's towards Shiro. He never noticed, but his face was very close to shiro's. He could feel Shiro's warm breath slowly touch his lips and Matt just stayed there. Starring. His cheeks pink. Slowly closing the distance, almost subconsciously.

"Matt?" Asked Katie, "what are you doing?"

Matt immediately sprang up and gently and quietly slammed the door shut, as he quietly ran out of the room.

"Your not even supposed to be awake yet Katie!" He quietly yelled, making his way to the bathroom. He quickly looked up at the clock that read 5:15 as Katie responded, "Neptune woke me up...plus I'm hungry!" And with that she smiled and ran down stairs. Matt smiled and rolled his eyes. His little sister did always amazed him about how she could stay positive, even if she did something naughty. He closed the door and started to get ready, for the new and interesting day.


It was near the end of the school day and boy was he tired and hot. The sun decided to lay its hot ass on the school, thus causing him to sweat his eyeliner almost off and almost having to take off shirt (he wears a shirt, and then an undershirt, but no bra).

And when he was with the girls it was nothing but drama. Apparently a girl named Tiffany started waging war between her and Amy and it's been nothing but shit talking and ways on getting revenge. Of course, he ignored most of it and just kept on reading his book, but there were some instances where he would listen on in. But as the school day drew a close, he remember he would go to the mall with Amy and Lulu. He packed his bag and went to the flagpole since that's where they all agreed to meet there. When the two other girls got there, they both started talking about Shiro, as they walked to the mall.

"Okay but like, Takashi would be the total highschool athletic hunk that would be so brave." Amy said with a smirk.

"I agree!" Chimed lulu, "god any girl would be so lucky to get with him. What do you think Maddie, you know him the best, you lucky gal."

"Uh..." matt started saying, "well...I will admit he totally is into athletic stuff...but he is also into science like space and the Galaxy and planets and nebulas. He's also kinda big nerd." He chuckles a bit, but the girls frown.

"Well, he clearly isn't as much of a nerd and don't smart talk ever again." Lulu said bothered, but quickly changed her tone to curiosity, "But doesn't he have that one nerdy friend? Matt or something?"

"Who cares??? That bitch could jump off a bridge for all I care." Amy huffed, "besides, not like Takashi cares for that nerd anyways."

Matt couldn't help but frown and feel a bit bad at those words. But then again, what did he expect? She was nothing but a shady bitch that would fail highschool. And thinking of that couldn't help but make Matt feel a better about himself.


When the girls and Matt got there, they both started going shop to shop, getting Matt some....questionable clothing and of course the girls getting clothing for themselves. Matt never really intended buying or actually wearing theses new clothes, but it was best to just go with the flow and get them. But there were a few cute designs he would like to try on.

As the girls walked around, boba now in hand, Lulu grabbed both Matt's and Amy's wrist and lead them to a pedicure place and pointed at the place.

"Ladies we have to stop here for a pedi!!" She pleaded, a begging look in her eye. Amy couldn't help but smile and looked at matt.

"Sure." He shrugged. They all went in and got there seats.

Matt was a bit nervous though. If anything, the closest thing he got to a pedicure was when his sister painted his nails with actual paint and even that was hellish to clean up and explain. When the ladies started doing there thing, cleaning and trimming his toenails and smoothing his skin, he couldn't help but feel relaxed. It was super nice and the color he picked (which was a light mint green) looked great on him. When he was done he waited for the other two and paid for his and tipped the nice lady. He told Lulu that he'd walk around and check out more stores.

As he continues his journey beyond his house and school to these fascinating shops he couldn't help but stop at a game store. He shifted his bags (with his shoes and socks in) to another hand, as he walked inside with his weird sandals on. When he walked in and looked around and saw new releases that he was interested in. He picked a game up and read the description on the back.

"Hey do you mind?" Asked a masculine voice. Matt looked up and saw a boy with bleach dyed hair, blue eyes, and freckles covering his nose.

Luca, matt reminded himself. Luca is an old friend of Shiro's and his. Luca was always nice to him and Shiro, but he started secretly picking on Matt and teasing him whenever Shiro wasn't around. Matt never had the heart to tell Shiro and quiet frankly, he didn't want to get hurt by Luca, since he was twice his size.

When Matt moved to the side, Luca shoved Matt even further away with his shoulder and squatted down, looking at the bottom shelves. And Matt scowled.

"Rude." Matt scoffed, putting the game back. Luca started back up at him.

"What?" He asked

"Oh you heard what I said, you rude ass bitch." Matt replied, with sass. Luca stood up and stared him down, but matt stood his ground.

"....your lucky your cute, girly." Luca mumbled angrily, cheeks pink, and walked out of the shop. Math blushed in surprised and watched him leave.

Cute.... cute....? Cute?!?! Matt's face scrunched up a bit in confusement as he put the game down and found himself walking out of the store, too.

His thoughts kept racing to what Luca said until he ran into Amy and Lulu. The girls told him that it was time to go, but as they left matt couldn't help but keep thinking back to what Luca said and what he did to Shiro.

What is....happening?


Hello hello hello!! How is everyone today/tonight? Sorry for the big old wait, but drama and school and private life got out of hand and it was best to get it all under control.

Anyways since it is summer I shall try to update a bit more often and I do have a few things in mind that should start to spice things up and get the plot moving. In fact, a bit of spoiler, a big thing is going to happen. Very slowly though.

But anyways I hope the wait was worth it! Until next time!

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