Halloween School Bash (Part 2)

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Matts heart started beating faster and his breathing picked up. His mind was racing from so much excitement and adrenaline, he didn't have time to think straight. His cheeks flushed and he immediately started texting back to Shiro.

Matt: Sure why not!

Shiro: uh....this is a surprise. I almost thought you were gonna say no.

Matt tilted his head a bit and reread what he sent. While he was over-relived he didn't go too far, but this was a surprise that he responded so quickly and even said yes without thinking.

What did i...why did i...so quickly too...i need to respond...

Matt: well I mean we haven't been able to hang out as much so maybe this might be fun!

Shiro: ...well while you do have a point, i'm still coming over to your house on Thursdays to sleepover ya know? so in way we still do see each other.

Shit shit quick come up with something cause I can't argue with that!!

Matt: ah well my mom would probably force me to go with you anyways so I may as well accept the invite happily then be forced to go and be a grump hehe

Shiro: so I see....

Shiiiit why couldn't have worded it nicer..

Shiro: well i'm happy you accepted the invite! But...there is another reason why I am asking you to go...remember that girl Amy?

Matt totally forgot about her. How she was going out with shiro. How did that even happen anyways, he wondered.

Matt: yeah yeah I remember her...that bitch.

Shiro: well first of all don't be so harrsh, even though she somewhat deserves the name. And second off, she wanted me to come with her thinking it was a date, when I have zero interest in her and she knows it too. But don't think it's because I need you for this, like i'm using you, but I also wanna hang out with my bud.

Matt did understand, but something about that text made his heart hurt a bit. He kept rereading it, trying to figure out why, but to no avail he just couldn't find out why.

Matt: yeah its okay dude. So tomorrow right?

Shiro: ya and I already have the tickets hehe

Matt: whhaaaaat? You already got us tickets without even asking me before???

Shiro: whaaaat is that so bad uwu""

Matt chuckled. He always found it charming that Shiro wanted to do so much with him. Sure, he had other friends like Bryce and Luca and much more, but Shiro always wanted to be with Matt. And then, he realized just that. And his heart start speeding up, a new feeling arising in him. He tried to ignore it, but the feeling just kept getting stronger and stronger as he starred down at his phone to both males text messages. Matt started typing quickly.

Matt: hey I have to go now, with homework and stuff.

Shiro: ah alright! I'll pick you up tomorrow okay?

Matt: okay.

Matt turned off his phone and put it on the ground. He slammed his face into a pillow and screamed a bit. The feeling did go away a bit but it would return oh so slowly.

For the rest of the night, Matt barely got any sleep trying to figure out his new feelings and researching it a bit, too. Coming to a conclusion that he would have never expected.


It was the night before the dance and also the night of spoops: Halloween. Matt was putting on his last minute costume. His mom, Katie, and him went to a costume store and the mother got them both of their costumes. Katie was going to be scientist and a princess while Matt was going as an astronaut fighter with a green alien velcro to his shoulder with a cool space gun.

It's Me...But Not Me {Shiro x Matt Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now