First Day of School (Finale Part)

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It was Lunch, and he sat in a group of girls. Not just any girls, that would be nerds or accept any guys into their group.

These were the popular girls. The girls that start drama over the tiniest things that wouldn't even matter in any time, dimension, universe, anything! These were the rich girls with all the makeup and beauty products they carried in there bags instead of there books or homework. And a nerd like him that looks like a girl, got into that group and even better, he was dragged into that group.

Lord have mercy on my soul, he thought.

He noticed how different the girls looked. Some had piercings some didn't. Some had a lot of makeup on (to much if you asked him) or the tiniest amount that it wasn't even possible to see, until they mentioned it. How some of them had long wavy hair and let it all down or some put it into really stylish braids, or some put it into messy buns. He noticed a few flaws, being to stuck up or really really annoying, and there clothing styles and even their personalities. How some acted sweet while others acted snobby. Of course, in the group, was the quiet one. The one who barely had anything to say. He felt like he should just get up and leave and hang out near or in the robotics classroom, since to him, it was safe place. But he couldn't escape when "the leader", Melanie, started to talk to him.

"So, what school did you come from?" She asked with that weird snotty accent you'd hear in movies.

"Well...I came from a private school near the NASA institute." He responded feeling sheepish because never in his life had he felt so submissive.

"NASA?" She asked.

"You know, launches rockets and everything? Sort of a big deal."

"Ohhhhhhh okay. Well that's cool. Had any boyfriends?"

He looked up at her in shock and knew that this escalated to quickly.

"Or girlfriends, depending which way you swing."

"Well..." He started to say, "not exactly. Um. I mean I've had like one or two crushes, but they all rejected me."

"Boys? Girls? Reject you?" She scoffed, "that's kinda hard to believe since right now, you at every boy or girls eye candy."

He couldn't believe his ears. Him? Eye candy for all??? What universe was he living in where he was actually liked for his looks.

He started to remember the times he had back in elementary school. Bullied for his looks. His feminine body and voice. How he'd get hurt both mentally and physically. Just thinking about it wanted to make him cry but no. For now, this is who he was. Beautiful girl, that is eye candy for all. He sighed and looked up. He saw all the girls gathered up behind the bleachers watching the football players practice. He huffed.

To him, it was funny how girls (or at least most), went goggly eye for them. He noted the comments, "hot" and "ripped", from the girls and chuckled. One of them, turned around and said, "don't you want to watch this hot bod feast?"

"Nah I'm good. It's already wet over there." He smiled. Some of the girls chuckled and other turned around and looked at him in disbelief but then turned around to keep watching them.

But, what caught his attention, was when one of the girls said, Shiro looks super hot.

Matt rolled his eyes, still mad at him, but then suddenly heard ALL of the girls commenting on Shiro. Well okay, this was to be expected since everyone and their mom thought he was the most good looking. How they all thought he was buff and all those catches and throws he made and how strong he was. Matt opened his eyes and thought, wait what? What was that all about?!

He shook his head and thought it must be hanging from the girls. And it's only been one day. He groaned quietly and knew this was gonna be one hell of a ride. Knowing how he was basically trapped hanging out with Melanie and her group and how he was being looked at by every guy (and maybe some gals) was not exactly his forte, but it beats not having to be bullied. All he prayed for was that it wasn't gonna be hell.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

Matt walked home from school, considering how it was only a short walking distance. He liked all his classes, expect history. Shiro had the same history class as him and sat behind him. He wasn't to happy about that. But he can't stay mad at him forever, after all they were friends.

When he grabbed the keys to unlock the front door, he saw his old bullies walking along the other side of the road with Shiro. As if he chugged 3 cups of coffee, he immediately tried to unlock the door, his whole body shaking with fear. As soon as he did, he slammed the door shut and ran upstairs and shut the door behind him.

He saw his dog Neptune laying on his bed sleeping. Not that he didn't mind this, but god it was gonna be a nightmare, cleaning up all the dog hair from his bed. He didn't have any homework, so he could just get out of his girly clothes and hop into some more comfortable clothing choice, being some grey shirt and gym shorts. As he was taking off his dress, he heard his little sisters voice.




As if he just turned into sonic, he immediately ripped his dress off and put the first thing he saw on. Which happened to be his PJs from the night before. He grabbed the dress and shoved it under his bed.

"Hey Matt can I come in?" Asked Shiro outside of his room. Matt grabbed his rubix cube and started to play with it, to make him look less suspicious.

"Ya come in bud." He said trying to play it cool and slow his heart down. Shiro walked in and looked at him with a smile.

"Hey how was school?" Asked Shiro.

"Meh. Didn't get homework so that's a plus." He responded looking up at him smiling, "you?"

"Eh. Same old same old. Hanging with the jocks now, since you moved schools..."

OHHH THAT MAKES SENSE!!! Thought Matt as if he just suddenly understood the hardest language in history.

"Your not mad right? I know they you know teased you a lot so-"

"It's chill dude it's in the past." He lied. Of course he was gonna be salty about this, but now was not the time. He could be Matt instead of his female self. Which he was actually called Matilda, when the teachers asked.

For the rest of the day until Shiro left after dinner, it was nerd fest of anime and science and space.

It's Me...But Not Me {Shiro x Matt Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now