Halloween School Bash (Part 1)

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"Can you believe it??" Asked Amelia all excited and up in Matt's face, "the Halloween bash is coming up!!"

Matt gave a small half smile and nodded slowly. He was never the one for dances or big school social events. They looked like too much work and nothing but major drama.

"Maddie, are you gonna come?" Asked Tristy, looking into his eyes.

"Eh..." Matt replied, "probably not."

"Aw, why not??" Whined Amelia

"I'm not really a big fan of those kinda things. I mean for one, I don't exactly have the best costume and two why would I go if no one asked me out?" The girls did nod at that.

"Well," started Amelia, "I'm going with Bryce and I've heard that Queen Amy is going to ask Takashi out."

"Really?" asked Matt, giving her his full attention, looking a bit upset.

"Mhm," Amelia said with a smirk, "yooooooou don't seem to happy about that. Is it because yooooooooou have a crush on him????"

Matts' cheeks turn a light pink and he starts shaking his head, "n-no way! We're nothing more than friends, dumb-dumb."

"Alright damn, don't have to get too feisty." Amelia teased but did sound a bit hurt.

Matt looked back down at his book to read, but he couldn't seem to focus. Shiro would always ask Matt out to these dances and even if he would reject him every time, there was one when he didn't reject him.

It was a valentines day dance back in the second year of middle school. Shiro asked Matt out to the dance and while Matt did say he would go. because Shiro didn't want to go alone with all these girls. When Matt was picked up by Shiro he saw how fancy he was. Matt was only in a white dress shirt, red tie, and black jeans with nice black sneakers. Shiro was in a dark purple vest with a black dress shirt, white tie, and black pants with even nicer in black sneakers. Matt felt embarrassed due to him being under-dressed, but slowly he realized how extra Shiro was being. After all the pictures and families getting them post ready they both started walking to the school since it was a mile away. They both talked about certain things like video games, space, aliens, and they soon got on the topic of love.

"So...Matt," started Shiro, "is there...anyone you like?"

"Nope." Matt responds, pushing up his glasses, "I like being a single man. Why do you ask?"

"Oh.." Shiro said a bit shy, "just curious. I was just wondering, 'cause rumor has it someone likes you."

"Moi?" Matt asked a bit surprised.

"Oui," Shiro chuckled, "that's the news going around."

"Good joke Shiro." Matt chuckled. Shiro was going to say something but stopped himself for he didn't want to tell him who it was.

When the boys got there the gym was decorated in pink, red, and purple hearts with a small buffet table of sweets and drinks and an open area for dancing while a DJ played its tunes. Matt and Shiro both stayed near the tables of desserts in the corner, both chatting.

As time passed, the gym was packed and Shiro and Matt were still together. Until Amy intruded on them and slowly stole Shiro away from Matt. Of course, Matt was hurt and upset, but sadly he had a feeling something like this would happen, so it didn't hurt him as much. What Matt never noticed before leaving where the main area, was Shiro constantly looking at him or trying too. For the rest of the dance, Matt sat outside stargazing and naming the constellations and even seeing a shooting star. When the party ended, Shiro ran out and saw Matt and sat next to him. Shiro started apologizing for forcefully ditching Matt, but Matt shrugged it off and said it was fine, not gonna put his bud into any more pain he probably was in. Shiro looked up at the stars and sighed. After a few minutes of them sitting alone, stargazing, and Shiro making a wish when he saw a shooting star. When they were walking back to Matt's house they were totally silent. Matt tried to break the silence and start up a conversation, but Shiro was barely responding.

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