Halloween School Bash (Final Part)

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(Hey guys, bit of a warning, but this chapter does contain certain topics that can be triggering to some)

An hour had passed as Shiro got caught up in Matt or "Matilda's" friends. Amy kept dragging Shiro away from him and her friends would always get between them. Matt didn't expect anything less from these trolls, but it did hurt a lot to Matt, for an unknown reason to him. Matt gripped onto his Astronaut helmet, almost determined to put it on and just blend in for a bit, grab a cookie, and leave the gym. Just like last time.

Matt sighed sadly and slowly started to put his astronaut helmet back on. He was incredibly depressed at the moment. He was hoping he would get to at least spend 30 minutes with Shiro, but like always, that was never the case. Matt slowly started to make his way across the dance area, until he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

"Shiro-" he called out quietly and looked to see if it was indeed him. But to his surprise, it was Luca, from the mall at the video game store. He wore a devil costume.

"Can...can i help you?" Matt spoke up looking at him.

"Matilda...you didn't tell me you were going to the dance." Luca said with a small smirk.

Matt felt his stomach drop and was so happy for his helmet and tinted plastic screen to cover his face and head up. He knew he was in deep shit now, and was a tad bit uncomfortable with Luca still having his hand on Matt's shoulder.

"U-uhm.." matt started responding in a more feminine tone, "I mean you barely talk to me, and last time we did, you weren't exactly nice to me."

Luca did shrug a bit and responded, "well, sorry about that. Now that that's in the past, would you like to dance with me?"

Matt really didn't feel like dancing and slowly started to back up. "No thanks-"

"Come on, it'll be fine." Luca gripped a bit tighter and pulled him closer, "plus who knows, maybe you'll be a better dancer then me."

(Trigger Warning Up Ahead)

Matt tensed up a bit and knew he couldn't get out of this one. Matt did slowly give in and put his hand on Luca's shoulders, but immediately regretted it when Luca put his hands on Matt's waist. Luca smiled softly at Matt or Matilda. Matt was frowning uncomfortably the whole time.

"Hey..." Luca said, 3 minutes into the dance, "why don't you take of your helmet?"

Matt felt his heart speed up and he did start to shake a bit.

"Sorry, but no." He said a bit uncomfortable. This is my fuckboy protecter thank you very much. He thought.

"Aw come on." He said slowly starting to lift on hand from Matt's waist and try to take it off. Matt immediately pushed him back, sending Luca into another couple that was dancing. Luca growled angrily and slowly stood up. Matt ran off, out of the gym, panting and trying to hold back his tears.

He started to hear footsteps behind him and speed up, now running around the school. He suddenly felt two firm hands grip his shoulders and got thrown against the wall. He yelped and froze up.

"You dare defy my request, ya skank?!" He yelled out angrily. He shoved matt to the ground and sat on top of him. He pinned Matt's arms to his side and forcefully took off Matt's helmet. Matt was trying so hard to kick and fight back, yelling for help and crying. When Luca got the helmet off, his eyes widen and he gave a horrifying frown. Matt could now see, Luca's eyes were blood shot and his pupils dilated. Luca grew angrier and threw matt up against the wall again, raising his fists.


It's Me...But Not Me {Shiro x Matt Fanfic}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt