3. cute boy

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connorfranta: thanks for letting me take pictures of you in front of washing machines and trash cans for two hours the other day

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connorfranta: thanks for letting me take pictures of you in front of washing machines and trash cans for two hours the other day. sorry you can't come to the party tonight !! ): 

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danielhowell: yea, sorry not sorry bils wherearetheavocados

amazingphil: haha, sucks to be you billie

wherearetheavocados: you better be having fun in that car with connor, howell. and you better have fun tonight. because once you get home you will find me in your closet with a knife ready to stab you danielhowell you too, lester amazingphil

i laughed, my phone propped up against my calves as i sat with my legs crossed in connor's passenger seat. "i think billie is a tiny bit upset that she can't come." i looked up at connor. i could only see glimpses of his facial expression, whenever we passed under a streetlight. "she's threatening to kill me and phil for being mean to her." 

"i feel kinda bad, but i wasn't the one who made the rules. alfie did. he said he doesn't want anyone who isn't in their first year of college or above to go in. if they've already graduated, if they're seniors in high school, if they just never went to college, if- you get the point, none of those people are allowed," connor said, not taking his eyes off of the road.

i took in a shaky breath. "do, uh- how would people react if somebody who uses the pronouns he/they or they/them, stuff like that, showed up?"

"i don't think anyone would really mind. i mean, this is alfie's party. him and zoe, his girlfriend, are very strict about people being rude and using homophobic or racist slurs towards anyone at anything they're hosting," connor said, taking a left before slowing down to try and find a place to park. "why do you ask?" 

i shrugged, waiting for the car to pull to a full stop. "no reason." 

the club was nearly full. i found myself at the snack bar, stuffing my face to avoid feeling awkward. connor had dragged me around to meet some people but i found myself slowly drifting toward the food before he could finish. i almost wanted to leave, but i stayed for billie's sake. "you better stay at the party, danny boy," i remembered her reprimanding me the night before. "if i can't go, i need you to have fun for me." 

so i stayed, for billie and for the food. and, apparently, for the raven-haired boy with ocean blue eyes and rouge solo cup in his left hand. 

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