Chapter 12

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Wills eye grew wide in shock, his hands were clenched at his sides in anger. Kat was telling him the situation and he wasn't taking it well. "You can't bring him back Kat..." Will paced the room, going through his fine blond hair. "That's such an insane idea..I don't know who you are." The last words pierced through her heart. Will was not being very helpful was he. "Then you can stay behind, that's not a problem to me." Will's lips parted, she couldn't help but stare at them, remembering the way they felt against hers once before. He had melted into her and her soul. "I take that back, I know exactly who you are Kat but this is barbaric, why are you doing this?" Will stepped towards her, closing whatever space existed between them. His fingers traced her lips, she closed her eyes. The door opened and they shot apart. Amber, her cheeks flushed, and breathless said "Someone's here." "It must be--" Kat started for the door, Amber pushed her aside. "No it's not the nasty Warlock you called, we think it's Damon's Foresaken soilders" Amber pulled Kat out of the room, Will trailing behind. "The Warlock is not nasty!" she chided. 

Amber whirled on them, her eyes wide "You two need to go off on some Honeymoon in London, we'll deal with this on our own because we can handle it with or without you. Kat you don't deserve this trouble." "I created this. I killed Carl" Kat choked. Will nodded "I agree with Amber, except the Honeymoon part." Kat looked over at Will in time to see a smirk on his lips. She smiled "Oh come on Will that would be very romantic." He rolled his eyes, facing Amber "Well first of all the 'nasty' Warlock isn't here so--" BAM!  Downstairs sounded like a piano fell through from the attic and into the kitchen. Amber, seraph blade in hand ran down the hallway and disappeared downstairs. "Should we--" go down, before Kat could say more Will snatched her arm and he began running the opposite way. 

"We need to jump" Will said simply, looking down below at the beach. "Jump?! Will what the hell are you on?!" Kat scolded him. He laughed, grabbing her. Before she had time to think and comprehend what was going on, Will had her over his back and he was falling, no they were both falling down to the ground. "OhmygodWIllihateyousomuch" she gasped. "You love me" he chuckled, walking towards the shore. "We need to go to the front of the Instuite and see what's going on" "Ok well can you let me down" "Oh come on isn't it nice?" Kat laughed "Very funny." 

The sand on her feet, the sun and wind in her hair, Kat watched as  Ragnor appeared from thin air. "You summoned me Shadowhunter?" he said. "We need to bring back someone from the dead" Kat said. He gaped at her "I don't do that sort of Dark magic anymore." "Please" Kat begged. "Call someone else" he ignored her plead. Kat stood her ground "I will not allow you to say no!" "Kat please, we're going to London and that's it" Will placed a hand on her shoulder. The Warlock produced sparkles with his fingers and with a crack the Portal was made. They were heading off to London--once again. 

AN: WHOOPS. This is WAY to short. I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. Also this chapter really really sucks. I want to focus more on their romance right now and not the drama because after all this is a mctudor fanfic. I could do a real life fanfic? Whatever you guys think, comment below 

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