Who's Blowing Up Your Phone?

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"Hurry Imani! We're gonna be late!" yelled my roommate, KC.

"I know! I'm sorry!" I huffed, getting the rest of my things together in my purse. I had to make sure I had everything together before we left to the practice ceremony.

"Why didn't you do this earlier this morning?" she came over to my side, helping me.

"I just got caught up okay?"

"Hey, I understand. We're finally graduating from this place and you're in your feelings. I am too,"

"I'm not in my feelings KC," I grabbed my extra pens and stuffed them in my purse pocket. "Just getting ready for our special guest."

"Oh you mean that King from Africa?"

"That King from Wakanda, yes,"

"Same thing," she chuckled, standing up. "Now come on lets go!"

"Fine, I'm ready," I stood up as well, following her out of our dorm room. "And it's not the same thing by the way."

"Well, h-ll it must be since I don't know sh-t about it," she locked the door behind us.

"That's your fault then," I laughed.

"Not my fault I don't care about a continent full of disease, famine, and poor people," she snorted, which I rolled my eyes at.

"It technically is, but whatever you say,"

"Hey, don't be getting all defensive now," she poked my elbow. "Just stating the truth."

"Shut the f-ck up," I mumbled, continuing to walk towards the exit of our building.

That always hit a nerve when people talk about Africa like that. I guess because I actually know that Africa is more than just what the media shows on tv, and I become really defensive when someone talks about it, in a degrading way.

Like my roommate...

"Was that the only thing you were rushing about in the dorm? Just nervous about some king from Africa?" KC asked me, as we walked toward the stadium.

"First, stop saying 'some King from Africa'," I chuckled, shaking my head. "Secondly, I'm just thinking about my final interview with Relay."

"Please, you already got the internship. Don't be so pressed about it,"

"That's the thing, I'm not. I know already I got it in the bag and everything,"

"So why were you so anxious back in the dorm?"

"Because, even though I'm confident, I still want this internship really badly. Very few undergraduates even become considered to get this kind of opportunity. Imagine me, Imani Adu, getting this internship of a lifetime to-"

"Okay, okay I get it," she chuckled. "Sheesh, you're  acting like you're giving an acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes. "I'm just saying, can't you imagine me interning there?"

"Well yeah. You're one of the smartest people I've ever known. A bit defensive at times, but you're awesome regardless,"

"Oh shut up," I rolled my eyes, before heading off to the stadium.


"That went well," I stated to KC, after we were done with the practice session.

"Yeah, I guess,"

"You guess?"

"I mean all we're doing is just walking on stage, accepting our diploma, and sitting back down in our chairs. Nothing spe-" she paused suddenly.


She reached for her back pocket, and grabbed her cell. "I just felt about 20 notifications just now,"

"Who's blowing up your phone?"

She paused her walking as I did too. "Oh wow. He's here,"


She showed me the picture of a Twitter post of a man in black pants, black long sleeve top, and black dress shoes surrounded by bodyguards of women. All of them looked elegant as f-ck in their black dress attire, along with the man in the center.

"Woah. I wouldn't be surprised if they're all sweltering hot in what they're wearing," I stated.

"Eh, they're from Africa. They're used to it,"

"Shut up KC,"

"What? I'm just saying," she shrugged.

I shook my head. "I'm surprised he's here early. The graduation is Friday and it's only Wednesday,"

"I don't mind it. Have you seen how cute he is?"

"Oh lord," I resumed my walking, as she did as well.

"What? I'm just saying that he is!"

"Mhm. Thirsty a-s,"

"Shut up. You know he is,"

"I mean," I shrugged. "Well-"

"Yep. Don't deny it. You wanna get in his Ting," she laughed.

"That's not African KC,"


I shook my head one more time before turning the convo to something else. Don't get me wrong, I love this chick, but she has to open her mind up more. Especially since she's going to be graduating college in two days, she can't just go out into the work world and say some ignorant sh-t like she is right now.

"Well I'm hungry, so I'll meet you back at the dorm later, okay?"

"Cool," I nodded. "Don't go off going to any graduation frat parties."

"B-tch I did all of that last week!" she laughed with her tongue stuck out. "You just don't think about that African king a whole lot!"

"What made you think-"

"I saw you blushing when I showed you that pic!" she laughed, as she walked away. "Bye Imani!"

"Bye," I waved, laughing at her giddiness, before heading to the Communication and Psychology building.

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