I Will Get This Internship.

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Anderson, Will, and KC pondered about their friend being away for so long.

They knew that the interview was going to take some time since its such a big deal. But they didn't think it would over an hour and a half to complete.

"Maybe she had a lot of questions to ask him," Will sprouted up. "You know how she is when she becomes anxious about interviews from time to time."

"Or maybe his accent is so thick that she can barely understand what he's saying," KC laughed.

"Don't be so ignorant KC," Anderson stopped her. "She knows better, and I'm pretty sure the King knows better too."

"You're too positive Andy. You never know that she may f-ck up every once in awhile,"

"Wow, you have so much faith in your best friend KC,"

"I do have faith in her a-s!"

"Okay, guys," Will interrupted. "Lets go to another possibility that she might have become abducted by..." he paused. "Aliens."

"Shut the f-ck up Will," Andy groaned.

"What? You've seen what happened with The Incident in New York years ago,"

"And Sokovia," mumbled KC.

"Not to mention what happened in Lagos this past year, which is near Wakanda. I wouldn't be surprised if any galactic space sh-t were to happen to us right now," he defended.

"Yeah, but do you really think something like that could happen at this very moment? While they're in an interview?" Andy asked.

KC and Will shrugged and bluntly stated. "You never know!"

Anderson rolled her eyes at these two fools. The alcohol is probably getting to them so they're just being overdramatic. Although, they have a point about stuff just happening out of nowhere like these past few years. Not to mention, there was a case of a woman, with super strength, in Manhattan, New York snapping a guys neck in half, instantly killing him. Another story about some masked man, who's apparently blind, who goes around fighting crime in Hell's Kitchen.

Basically, anything can happen nowadays.

Although the group of bodyguards that the King surrounded himself with look like they take no sh-t from anyone (and anything). Not to mention the King himself is said to be one of the top skilled fighters in the world. If anything were to happen, Anderson knew that Imani would be in good hands.

"Oh wow. Look who finally showed up," sprouted KC.

"Took you long enough sis!" Will joined in.

"Sorry," Imani cheesed. "It went really well. I swear I feel like I can interview anyone now."

"That's great," Anderson smiled, giving her a pat on the shoulder. "I knew you wouldn't mess up. Unlike some people."

"Hey!" Will and KC exclaimed.

"What?" Anderson laughed, before pulling Imani into the hallway. "So, details?"

"Well," she took a deep breath. "It went better than I thought Anderson. I mean, he's so down to earth and funny and charming and handsome and smart and-"

"I mean with the interview, not you gushing all over him,"

"I was getting to that," she laughed. "Oh by the way, I'm gonna send you the recording of the interview when I get to my dorm."

"You still haven't moved out yet?"

"Nope. I've been busy," she retorted. "Anyways, I asked a good amount of questions to him. He even started asking me questions about me and my life and-"

"Wait, he did what?"

Imani tried to hide her blushing as Anderson cocked her head sideways. Is she really hearing Imani correctly?

"We just started talking about stuff you know? My life, his life. He didn't go into anything serious like politics, but he seems like a pretty cool guy to kick it with,"

"Kick it with?"

"You know what I mean Anderson,"

"Nah. I don't think I do," she chuckled. "Anyways, continue."

Imani then proceeded on. She was able to give a thorough report about the interview, of course whenever she didn't trail off into descriptions about the King himself; Which surprised Anderson a bit.

"So, you seem to really like this journalism thing huh?" Anderson asked.

"I do," she smiled. "I like writing, and getting the truth. Then again, it also depends on what is the truth."

"Mhm," Anderson wrapped her arm around Imani's shoulders. "I know that you'll do well in the field, especially how I heard of how well you did at Relay Publishing earlier."

"How did you hear about that?"

"A little birdie from Relay told me," she hinted. "I know you got this journalism sh-t in a bag. You'll fit right in with Relay and their team of creators."

"Don't get too optimistic on me," Imani giggled.

"Why not? It's never a bad thing to confident,"

"Yeah, but I don't wanna get in over my head about it. There's so many other talented and experienced candidates for that internship that has a greater chance than me. I don't wanna be let down because I'm so sure that I got it,"

"That's why you gotta be confident, not cocky," Anderson explained. "Besides, earlier you seemed pretty confident about snagging the job."

"Yeah, but," she looked down. "I dunno. It's just the reality of it all setting in."

"Don't think about that," Anderson shook her. "You gotta have confidence in this cutthroat business."


"Imani!" she commanded. "Say it to yourself, I will get this internship."

"Anderson, really?"

"Say it,"

"But what if-"


She huffed heavily. "I will get this internship,"


"I will get this internship,"


"I will get this internship,"

"Again. I don't hear it in your voice!"

"I will get this internship!" Imani laughed, as Anderson did too. "Happy?"

"The question is, are you?"

She shrugged, as the two of them walked back to the party. "I guess. I'm just hoping that-"

"Nuh uh,"

"Okay!" Imani laughed some more before walking inside. "I will get this internship."

"That's my girl," Anderson followed behind her. "Just say that over again and it will come into fruition."


"Yep. That happened with me, and I'm pretty sure it will with you," Anderson patted her on the back. "Just trust me."

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