Opportunities Happen To Assertive People.

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*1 Week Later*


"I didn't get the internship?" I asked the representative, through the phone.

"Yes Ms. Adu," he responded, through the phone. "Again, I'm very sorry to inform you. We feel that your lack of experience will not be beneficial to Relay."

Shocked was an understatement of how I was feeling. It's like reality stopped, and the only thing I could feel was my heart slowly dropping into my stomach.

"Um, okay. Thank you for calling," I ended the conversation. I didn't know if I was feeling anger, disappointment, sadness, shock, or all four together.

"Nah, f-ck this," I got out of my bed, and went straight to the bathroom. I've come this far with this journalism sh-t, and I'm not going to start giving up now. I know this business is cutthroat and I'm going to get a lot of "no's". Something though is telling me to not give up with this company, and once I think about something, I cannot let go.

I have to go back to headquarters, and show Mrs. Kani that I can do this sh-t; Whether I have experience or not.

"Where are you going sweetheart?" Auntie asked, as I made a quick to-go cup of coffee, in the kitchen.

"Uh, I'm going to Relay publishing headquarters real quick,"

"Have you found out anything yet?"

"Uh, I'll tell you later Auntie," I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back in two hours tops."

"Okay sweetheart! Be careful!"

After making sure I had my coffee and purse, I headed out the door and into my car. I have to at least try to show Mrs. Kani that I am worthy of this position, regardless if I have experience or not. I mean, that is one of the reasons for an internship right? 

To gain experience and the opportunity to rise throughout the journalism business?


"Is Mrs. Kani still in her office?" I asked the front desk associate.

"Yes, she's going to leave in five minutes though. Do you have an appointment with her?"

"Yes, I do," I turned around towards the elevator.

"Excuse me, ma'am! You can't go there without confirmation!"

"I'll be only three minutes!" I shouted back at him, as I pressed the up button. Right away, it opened for me, and I stepped inside the elevator. I know I'm being deviant right now, but I can't let this internship get away from me. Anderson always tells me to be assertive, even in situations like these when I'm told no.


"Here we go," I mumbled, as I stepped onto the 10th floor, to find Mrs. Kani, right in front of me.

"Oh, hello Imani," she smiled. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm doing well, thank you," I lied, giving her a smile. It was her and what seemed to be her assistant beside her. "And you?"

"Doing just fine. I have a bit of work to do today before the week starts," she chuckled.

"Okay, great," I stood there, frozen in my tracks.

"Alright. Until next time Ms. Adu," she and her assistant stepped off to the side, and walked around me.

What are you doing Imani?! Go f-cking talk to her!

"Actually Mrs. Kani," I turned around, and stopped her. "I do have a question."

"Ask away,"

I calmed down my thoughts before I started talking. "Is there anything I need to improve on in order to score the internship?"

She breathed deeply. "Ms. Adu, you're a very insightful individual,"

I nodded. "Thank you,"

"And I think you really have a fine sense of how the Communication industry works thanks to my, well, our, alumni Gradford University. Add in your thorough expertise in Psychology, you're definitely a competent candidate for our program,"

"Yes ma'am. They did a phenomenal job with my education,"

"I'm sure they did Ms. Adu," she sighed. "But at Relay, we need someone who can not only handle the amount of pressure that Relay brings, since we are a billion dollar, international company. We also need someone who has a certain amount of experience to handle the pressure as well."

"But, wouldn't me acquiring this internship give me that high-level experience?"

"Yes, but we need someone who's been hands on, in the front lines of the field. Not a college undergrad who just graduated a couple of days ago,"

My heart sunk even more. Well then why tell everyone that you're looking for interns? This sounds more like a veteran job that they need to fill rather than an opportunity for upcoming Communication grads like myself. 

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for telling me,"

"Don't let this get you down Imani," she stepped closer to me. "There are plenty of more opportunities for a young woman as yourself. Keep going and then eventually you will be capable of working here."

I nodded, as I gave her a faint smile. "Yes ma'am. Thanks for everything,"

"You're welcome Imani," she backed away and went inside the elevator that her assistant had open for her. "Have a good day now."

"You too," I waved, as the elevator doors gradually closed.

The only thing I heard throughout the hallway was just the air conditioning and my heavy breathing. Well, I guess even assertive people can't always get what they want. Then again, was I even being assertive? All I did was just ask one obvious question, and I got an obvious answer.

I'm just not good enough yet.

Woman up Imani. It's just time to get back to the drawing board.

The little voice in my head is right. I can't just let this get me down. I have to keep going about this sh-t. Maybe I was aiming too high trying to get a position here at Relay. After all, like what Mrs. Kani said, it is a billion dollar, international company. They need only the highest qualified people to work there.

I took a deep breath, and pressed the down arrow button. Anderson knows about this business more than anyone I know, (besides Mrs. Kani) so she'll be able to give me advice and possibly some connections with other people.

I stepped inside the empty elevator and pressed the 'L' button. How am I going to break this to my Aunt and Uncle though? I was so confident about this sh-t, and now I have to go break the news to them. They low key have doubts about me doing this journalism sh-t, so I don't want them to think even worse about it.

Calm down Imani. You're thinking too hard.

Another ding noise came across speaker as I continued to look down at the floor. I was so deep into my thoughts that I almost didn't hear the person talking to me. The only reason why I was disturbed out of my thoughts was because it was a very familiar, accented voice.

"Miss Adu," T'Challa spoke to me. "It's nice to see you again."

The only voice that felt pleasant to hear, right now.

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