Guess We're 90's Babies.

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The Dora Milaje led me down the hallway to our interview location. I wonder how they know their way around this place so well? Then again, they're bodyguards to T'Challa. They're way more smarter than me, so they probably got knowledge about this place faster than I did on my first week of school here.

"He's outside waiting on the benches," one of them stated. "We'll lead you to him."

"Thanks," I nodded, as we continued walking. For some reason, I actually didn't feel all that intimidated by these women. If anything, I feel protected and secured. As if anything were to happen, they would protect me at all costs. Then again, isn't that what you're supposed to do when you're a bodyguard? Regardless of gender and sex?

We walked outside to find the sun still out, but the weather wasn't sweltering. There was a slight breeze in the air, but not too much to where I felt cool. We walked across the freshly cut, soccer field to find him surrounded by four more Milaje members - all beautiful, brown and dark-skinned women as well.

"Ah, there she is," he stood up, walking down the benches. "Congrats on graduating today Ms. Adu."

My heart rate increased at the fact that he remembered my name. He had on different attire, with an all-black t-shirt, black trousers, and black dress shoes. Even though the look is more lax, he's looks just as neat and handsome. "Thank you, your highness,"

"What did I tell you earlier?" he smiled, as I remembered what he did say. "Call me T'Challa."

"Yes sir," I nodded.

"And please don't call me that either," he chuckled. "I'm only 25."

"Oh really?" I asked, as he led me to the fifth bench. "I'm 22. Guess we're 90's babies."

"That's good to know," he smiled.

"Thanks," I responded, sitting down next to him. "Beautiful weather today, huh?"

"Very true. Though it's not only the thing that's beautiful,"

I nodded. "Yeah. Seeing all of those graduates earlier getting their diplomas. It's an amazing site to see all of them walk across the stage, after all these years. Despite how much debt they're in,"

"And you are not?"

"I'm probably the worst one," I chuckled. Okay Imani, don't ramble on about yourself. This is about him. "I'm sorry. Let's get right to the interview."

"Ask away Miss Imani," he smiled.


"And so, in Wakanda, it's very important for your people to have not only a healthy physical state, but a healthy mental one as well?"

"Yes Miss Imani," he replied. "It's very vital not only to myself and the Dora Milaje, but to every other citizen of Wakanda to nurture their mental and spiritual states. One cannot function precisely without the other, so it only make sense."

"You're absolutely right your high-" I stopped myself. "Sorry, T'Challa."

"No need to apologize Miss Imani," he grinned.

So far this interview was going nice and smooth. No embarrassing moments thus far and I must say that he has a bit of humor to his personality. Plus, he's a true gentleman like I expected for him to be.

"So, given the fact that you are the leader of a whole nation, what is your opinion of how mental health is here in the states?"

"Hm," he uttered. "You're a bold one aren't you Miss Imani?"

I shrugged, as I gave him a giggle. "I mean, some would say that,"

"Indeed," he started. "Well, despite the social stigma here still surrounding mental illness, the amount of research and progress the states has made over the past century regarding it reassures me that you guys are headed in the right direction."

"That's good to know coming from a man as yourself, your high- sorry! I don't know why I keep saying that," I chuckled.

"You never have to apologize around me Ms. Adu," the words flew thoroughly from his mouth.

"Thank you for your patience," I giggled. "Well, I enjoyed interviewing you T'Challa."

"You're done already?"

"Yep. As I expected, you're really insightful,"

"You as well Ms. Adu. I can see how a student like you was accepted into a university like Gradford,"

"Thank you," I smiled. "I'm pretty lucky to get into an institution like it. Some of the best journalists have graduated from here,"

"Oh really?"

"Mhm. I suppose you know Mrs Phylicia Kani?"

"The CEO of Relay Publishing?"

"Yeah. Well, she's an alumni from here and you've seen how much power and influence she's acquired in the media and corporate world,"

"That I have," he nodded. "You want to be like her?"

"That's the plan," I cheesed. "Well, I dunno about becoming the head b-tch in charge like her, but I plan on becoming something close to it,"

"Haha," he laughed. "Well, you'll have the sense humor to do so Imani. If you don't mind me asking, what made you decide to become a journalist?"

"Aahhh," I sighed. "It's a long story. I dunno if you'll wanna listen to it."

"I think I'll be more than interested with it coming from you Ms. Adu," he smiled.

"Oh stop it," I chuckled. "You don't have to be so nice. Besides, I'm pretty sure you have a lot more things to do than just listen to my life story."

"Well, maybe I'm interested in your life story," I noticed he inched a bit closer to me.

"Um," I grinned. "Well, it might get a bit depressing."

"With everything I've seen in my life, I think I can manage," he chuckled.

"Okay. Well, it started when my parents died when I was young,"

He looked taken aback. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,"

"See? I told you it was gonna get depressing!" I laughed, as he did too. Wow, to think that I would have this kind of conversation with the King of Wakanda.

This day just keeps getting better and better for me.

Shameless Foreigner - Graduation (T'Challa Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now