Call Me T'Challa.

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I made a big mistake going out with Will and KC last night. Then again, they're really good at persuasion, and turns out I was really suffering from anxiety. So, I figured why not go out?

Boy did I make the wrong decision.

It's 6 o'clock in the morning, and I'm trying my best to not throw up or pass out. I swore I only consumed four glasses of whatever kind of liquor I had. Then again, Will and KC made my drinks, and my stomach isn't as strong as theirs.

"You gonna be ok? Do you need me to drive you?" KC, barely audible and awake, asked me.

"No K," I laughed at her. "I think you need more rest than I do."

"Okay. Text me when you-" she was cut off by that obnoxious, but adorable, snoring of hers.

Once I got all of my stuff together (resume' and bag with my change of clothes, purse, parking pass), I left out the door, locking it. Since it was so early in the morning, I was able to get in the car, and out of the parking lot with no hassle. I know later on today however that won't be the case. The drive there was pretty short too. Again, it's so early in the morning that the traffic was light.

After finally reaching the exit to turn onto the HQ address, I did a last minute review of my schedule today:

- Internship Interview
- Graduation
- Final Meeting w/ Psych Club
-King Interview Meeting

I still can't believe a King from a foreign land is not only coming to my graduation, but to actually speak there. From what I know about Wakanda is that it's extremely isolationist, and that's pretty much it.

Although, I have a weird feeling there's much more to the country than what they're letting the world see.

"Here I am," I muttered, as I pulled up to the gate, with the guard sitting at the booth.

"Name?" he greeted.

"Imani Adu. I'm here for an interview with Mrs. Kani,"

He checked his clipboard just to make sure. "Alright. Good luck Ms Adu,"

"Thank you," I smiled, before driving around to the back parking lot. Once I made sure I had nothing in my teeth and I looked presentable, I grabbed my resume' from my bag, locked my bags in the trunk, and locked my car behind me. 

"Okay Imani. You got this," I meditated, as I took a deep breath.


"Okay Mrs. Adu, we'll be in touch with you within the next week," she gave me an assuring smile, while extending her hand.

"That sounds good! Thank you," I shook it, while standing up.

"The pleasure is mine. Have fun at graduation,"

"Thank you,"

Well, that went way better than I thought. I was a bit anxious as I was walking into the building earlier. Once I approached her office though, I felt relaxed in no time. She really is a nice lady, with a very relaxing vibe around her that I almost feel like a fool for being so nervous earlier.

I gently closed the door behind me, and took a breath of relief. Alright, now all I have to do is just change into my graduation outfit, and I'll be headed back to Gradford.

Shameless Foreigner - Graduation (T'Challa Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now