Isn't That A Good Thing?

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"In conclusion, with all of the sociological and psychological research, and recent statistics over the past decades, we need to encourage black youth that seeking mental help isn't a sign of weakness. By living in a world that's telling them from how they look, to what they wear, to where they're from, are all not good enough, seeking help is a sign of strength and self-improvement,"

I proofread my final article for the Gradford Daily. By 9:00 tonight I have to turn this in, but it seems like I'm already done with it. Now all I have to do is email it to Anderson, and I'm officially done with my time here at Gradford (besides Graduation, obviously).

I'm being completely honest when I say I'll miss this place. Besides my hometown in Idaho, I also consider this to be a safe haven for me. I've had the same roommate these four years, the same major and minor, and all of my instructors have been effective in my education.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" I commanded.

"You're still in here?" asked Anderson, opening the wooden door.

"Yeah. I was actually getting ready to email this off to you," I acknowledged, as I motioned her to come this way. "Whatcha think?"

After scanning through the article, she stated, "Huh, a conclusive observation on black kids and mental health. That's gonna be interesting for the Psychology department,"

"That's what I was aiming for," I beamed.

"Have you gotten any updates about your internship?"

"Nothing so far. I just got the last interview tomorrow and I'll be set," I logged into my student email account.

"Someone seems confident,"

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"It's a great thing. You're gonna need that when you get out into the work field," she patted my shoulder.

"Yeah, I've been told,"

"By the way, are you prepared for our special guest that has arrived?"

"Who? The King?"


"Uh, I think so. Why?"

"Just asking. I hate not being prepared,"

"Well yeah, that's why you're our head Editor. At least until Friday,"

"Yeahhhhh. Well, send me that final paper of yours and head out. It's almost 11 o'clock, and you need to get some rest,"

"Yes mother," I shook my head, giggling. "I'll do what you say."

"You better," she chuckled, before leaving out. "See you tomorrow."

"See ya," I replied, before pressing 'send' and logging out of my school account.

Dear Ms. Adu,

Good evening. We hope you're doing well. We are sending this email to inform you of a schedule change for your final interview. You will meet with Mrs. Kani at the Northeastern headquarters of Relay Publishing at 7:00 am, on Friday. The parking pass and directions to get to the destination are attached to this email. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early for parking and checking in with our secretary.

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