Chapter 6

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Minseo was now laying in bed, watching some YouTube videos, checking her Instagram and answering a few tweets...

The silence surrounding her was unsettling. She was used to hearing Hongseob shout random things such as "Scottish monkey" when it was too quiet around the house. He was a weird kid, but she missed his weirdness...

She also missed Jinhong's cheesy pickup lines, she missed hearing Kisu complain that he has to do everything, she missed Hui's cute smile and Changsun's sarcasm.

She was lost in her thoughts. She realized that there was no way they would meet again, since she didn't have their phone numbers or their social media and she had NO idea where that house was... She only remembered seeing a sign that said Yellow Valley.

She jumped off her bed when there was a loud and desperate knock on the door. She got up, ready to go open the door, but before she knew it, a brown haired guy ran inside of Minseo's house, looking all over for her before stopping in the bedroom's doorway.

"Where in the world have you been?!" he shouted. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"  he asked, walking over to Minseo.

"I'm fine Sungoh..." she smiled. "I told you I stayed with my friends."

"Why didn't you tell that you left? I was so worried, I thought something happened to you! I thought you got kidnapped!" Sungoh frowned.

Minseo smiled to herself.

"I'm fine so stop overreacting!"

He sat down on the bed and frowned.

"Never ever do that again!"

Minseo ruffled his hair and sat down next to him.

They spend the night talking about random stuff like celebrities or drama, not really wanting to reopen the topic about Minseo's disappearance. She didn't want him to know that she was actually kidnapped and he felt like something was wrong, so he didn't want to ask.

At some point Minseo couldn't keep it to herself anymore. Her conversation with Hui was still (24K) on her mind.

" You still remember Daeil, right?" she asked playing with her hair.

Sungoh's shoulders tensed up and it was obvious that he was taken by surprise, even if he tried not to show it.

"Yeah, I do... What's up with him?"

Minseo was confused by his cold attitude. She thought that they were good friends.

"I heard that he didn't die in a car accident... He was shot~"

"Who told you that?!" he snapped.

"Did you know?! Why did you lie to me then?" she tilted her head.

Sungoh didn't say a word for what felt like ages for both of them; he was wondering if he should.

"Because I was the one who fired the bullet..."

Minseo's heart froze.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?" she raised her eyebrows. "Why did you do that?"

"It doesn't matter; what really matters is where you've been for the past month; actually... who you've been with..."

"Just some girls I met at a café!" she quickly made up a lie.

"You know... I was really thinking about those guys for the past few weeks... How... How's Hui doing?..." he asked quietly.

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