Chapter 8

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"Cory! Take a seat!" the younger smiled, showing off his dimples. "Look, I know you don't trust me, but we gotta have this conversation." he continued.

"What makes you think I don't trust you?" Cory asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Namjoon chuckled and pulled out a gun from behind his back, pointing it to one of the men that he was talking to earlier.

"I bet you on his life that you've got someone up there pointing a sniper at me."

Cory tried not to react, but he was worried for Changsun.

"I thought this was a friendly chat. No need for guns." he affirmed making a hand signal as he looked out the window. "Now tell me what do you want!"

Namjoon sighed and placed his gun back in his pocket.

"We've been having problems with Chil Sung Pa lately. We denied a partnership with them and they overreacted a little bit. They broke into our headquarters and killed 16 of my men before stealing one hundred thousand dollars worth of cocaine and I'm not gonna let that slip."

"What are you implying?" Cory questioned, sensing a good deal.

"I need your help." Namjoon admitted.

"And what exactly do you want us to do?" 

"You know we work underground. We're not good on the field and we're running out of men. We need you to go there kill Mr. Sung and get our money back." the blond explained.

"What makes you think I'd do that? What do I get in return?"

There was a long pause before Namjoon answered, which made him feel extremly uneasy.

"You get your gunman back." Namjoon smirked and snapped his fingers.

That's when one of his men took his phone out and showed Cory a picture of Changsun playing on his phone on top of a building.

"Find our money or lose a man; your choice Cory." he grinned.

Cory clenched his fist as the others stared at each other in confusion. Jeonguk growelled and placed his hand on his gun, ready to do whatever he had to do to save his friend.

A loud gunshot was heard, attracting everyone's attention.

"You better use those honorifics before I blow your brains out!" a female voice echoed through the now quiet room.

"Hyung!" the younger shouted, scared for his life. "Hyung, of course... Let's not do anything we might regret." he mumbled, eyeing Minseo.

"OK then... Half the profit and we have a deal." she said sternly.

"Half the profit?! That's insane sir!" one of Namjoon's men shouted.

"Jin, don't get involved." the younger hissed. "Let's meet halfway; a quarter."

"Half or he's dead." Minseo smirked, pointing the gun at the man called Jin.

Namjoon was obviously a bit shocked, but he managed to keep his composure and continue to negotiate.

"If you dare hurt him, you can say goodbye to your friend."

"Fine; he's not that important anyway. He's just a temporary replacement. But that guy... he seems very precious to you... We don't want anything bad to happen to him, do we?" she grinned.

Namjoon gulped and let his head fall in defeat.

"Half the profit is fine, but we still need a plan."

"I'll figure that out..." the man with the black hat suddenly spoke.

"You have 48 hours Jungkook, don't disappoint me."

"Yes sir!" he said, bowing his head.

"Now that's what I call badass!" Jinhong smiled, giving Minseo a high five.

"Thanks for the help. We'll meet you back at the car." Kisu said, making Minseo feel disappointed since she wanted to stay and hear their conversation.

She got the message and turned around, exiting the building, leaving the others to discuss about the stuff.


Jinhong exited the club and walked towards the back of the building where there was a staircase leading to the roof of the building. He quickly made his way up the stairs and smiled once he saw Changsun staring at his phone with a frustrated expression as he was playing Candy Crush.

"I see you're doing pretty well..." Jinhong chuckled, making the other snap back to reality.

"What happened? Where are the others?" he asked puzzled.

"They are talking to Namjoon. They're safe so you don't have to stay here anymore. Let's go back to the car." the younger explained.

Changsun blinked a few times before he packed up his stuff and followed him back to their vehicle.

"Shit! Where's Minseo?!" Jinhong shouted, noticing that the car was empty.

"Don't panic! She must be here somewhere'" Changsun looked around.

"Kisu told her to come back here hours ago."

"We have to find her..."


Minseo groaned as she tried to open her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy and she felt extremely high. The world was spinning around her and she couldn't manage to move her limb, not only because they felt limp, but also because she was tied up to a chair.

She could hear the soft sounds of someone breathing in front of her. As her eyes flickered open and her vision cleared she managed to see the person next to her.

"You're awake?" he smiled softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you involved in this but I knew you'd mess things up..."

"Sungoh... What are you doing?..."

"Don't worry about that. It's better if you don't know." he said, placing a strand of Minseo's hair behind her ear.

"If you dare hurt them..." she threatened him, trying to get avoid his hand.

"It's not like I have a choice." he smirked.

"You fucking snake!" she hissed, struggling to free herself.

"You're only gonna hurt yourself if you do that. I'll be back in a few hours." he grinned before leaving the room.


Cory ruffled his hair as he entered the kitchen. He decided to grab a glass of water and watch some TV since he couldn't sleep very well. He picked a glass from the cupboard and placed it on the table, but as soon as he did that he felt a sharp, cold blade pressing against his neck.

"Hush hush, Cory... We don't want the others to wake up, do we?" Sungoh whispered. "I only came for you after all."

"What do you want?" Cory asked, trying to reach his hand into the drawer where the knives were.

"My boss doesn't want you to get Namjoon's money back. He stole it for a reason." he explained.

"Can't we talk this through?" Cory asked, earning himself a bit of time.

"I'm afraid there's nothing we need to talk about. My orders were clear."


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