Chapter 7

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"Kisu... we got a letter..." Hui affirmed, entering the kitchen with a confused expression.

Kisu placed his glass of water down and looked over at Sungoh who also had a puzzled face. Nobody was suppose to know their address... He walked over to Hui and snatched the envelope from his hands before quickly opening it. His eyes darted across the words and he was obviously worried by what he read. He placed the letter down on the table next to him and stared at it for a few seconds.

"What does it say?" Hui asked, breaking the silence.

"B-One, 10 PM." Kisu mumbled the answer.

"B-One? Like the club in Itaewon?"

"I guess..."

"That's like 15 miles away from here!"

"Who signed it?" Sungoh interrupted.

"I don't know. There are only two initials: BS."

"Byungho and Seokjun..." Hui said before grabbing the letter to inspect it.

"It can't be them..." Sungoh said in an emotionless and cold tone. "I killed them after what happened last year..."

"Well, if they didn't write it, who did?... Who else knows where we live?"

"If they are actually dead..." Cory spoke, gathering all the attention in the room.

He was holding onto a wall for balance, since he was still injured, but he looked just as intimidating as ever. Hui also noticed Jeonguk with a guilty smile on his face behind him.

"...that means there's one option left to who wrote it." 

"And who would that be?" Hui asked interested.

"Cory, don't freak out the kids. It can't be them." Sungoh frowned. "We are on totally different territory. We focus on murders; they're the ones with the loaning and the drug. They have absolutely no reason to pick on us." he explained.

"Then who do you think send this? A bunch of fangirls that want to go on a date with us?!" Cory joked.

"Can someone explain who are you guys talking about?" Hui interrupted.

"They call themselves Bangtan Sonyeondan. They're known for being smart and working underground. Their leader is serious stuff. We've never met, but I've heard a lot about them..." Sungoh added, checking his phone. "It's 8 PM, what do we do?"

"We can't go! Cory's too injured to fight." Kisu said in a concerned voice.

"They didn't mention anything about a fight. It's just a meeting. They are known for being masterminds, not breaking into stripclubs to kill mobsters." Jeonguk smiled, remembering the day they met Minseo.

"Are you sure it's safe to go?..."

"Relax. We've got this. Call the kids."


"What do you mean, you're leaving? Where are you going?" Minseo asked Changsun while continuing to try to tie her hair up, groaning in frustration.

"I have some work to do with the guys. Stop playing dumb, you know what I mean!" he answered, his voice muffled since he was behind the closet door.

"And what are you doing? You've been in there for the past fifteen minutes!" 

"That's none of your business." he said after peeking from behind the door. "By the way, why don't you just cut it short?" he added, gesturing towards Minseo's hair.

"It would make my face look chubby." Minseo answered.

"Nah, it can't be chubbier than it already is..."

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