Halloween Special 2

76 4 9

WARNING! 2hong ahead!


The boys gathered around the thin piece of wood as Jinhong lit the last two candles that were forming a circle around them. They looked at each other, not knowing how to start.

Jinhong and Hongseob were the ones who suggested playing with a Ouija board a few days ago. The others agreed, not thinking much of it. None of them believed that much in the paranormal and they thought that the board was just a hoax.

As they sat down around the board with candles surrounding them and the scent of sage intoxicating their lungs Changsun touched the planchette and looked at Jinhong and Hongseob, waiting for them to do the same. They both nodded and placed their fingers on the planchette, slowly beginning to form circles with it around the board.

"Through this glass eye, we open a portal that can only be crossed by the pure and the ones touched by divine light." Jinhong joked while continuing to swirl the piece of wood.

As they stopped Jinhong asked the usual questions, such as "Is anyone here?" or "Is there anyone that would like to contact us in this room?", but he didn't receive any answer. He took his hands of the board in frustration and called the game bullshit. The others were also disappointed, so they removed their fingers and stared at the board.

As soon as they were about to give up, the planchette slowly made its way towards the word 'Yes'. They sat there in shock, not believing what had just happened. That's when Cory's interest sparked. He got closer to the board and touched the planchette before looking around the room, asking for assistance. Kisu and Jeonguk were the ones who offered to help, since the youngsters were terrified.

"Are you here with good intentions?" Cory asked in a serious tone.

The planchette swirled around the board once before landing on the word 'Yes' again. They all sighed in relief.

"Who are you?"

The board spelled 'BO'

"BOO?" Kisu asked puzzled while Jeonguk chuckled.

"How did you die?" Cory continued questioning the spirit.

The planchette moved quickly to spell a word that shocked everyone.

"Shot..." Jinhong mumbled.

"DAEIL!" Hui's vice echoed through the room. "Daeil? Is it you? Please tell me it's you!" he shouted.

'Hello' was the word spelled by the board.

"Ask him something!" Kisu smiled.

"Were you here all this time?"


"How do I know it's really you?"

"Ask him a question about something you did together!" Cory suggested.

"Do you remember that time we went to an amusement park?"


"Why did we have to go home early?"

As the planchette made it's way from letter to letter, Hui's eyes widened.


"What did we eat for lunch that day?" Hui asked in a shaky voice.

'Cotton candy'

Hui froze, not knowing how to react. His heartbeat quickened and he felt a drop of sweat roll down his temple. He felt something heavy on his chest along with a feeling of sickness. The others looked at him slightly concerned. They were shocked too.

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