Halloween Special

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WARNING! Topics such as depression and self-harm ahead! Read at your own risk!


Hui sipped his punched as he walked over to the other guys, focusing on their conversation.

"I can't believe she went Trick-or-Treating... Is she five?!" Jinhong complained.

"I'm just worried that something bad might happen to her." Hongseob said, looking at his Pikachu socks.

"Nah, don't worry... Sungoh's probably gonna shoot her before something bad happens." Cory added, making Jeonguk burst out in a maniacal laughter.

"That's not even funny." Changsun said blankly.

Hui didn't feel like joining the discussion. He wasn't in the mood for any kind of jokes. He felt bad all day, he felt guilty for no reason. He had been like that for several days and he couldn't pinpoint the reason that was causing his sudden depression.

He decided to call it a day and walk up to his room, ready to engulf himself in his music and disconnect from the real world. He sometimes needed a break from reality; a brake when he could pull himself back together and think about the future instead of the past.

But this time, music wouldn't help him either. He pulled out his headphones and stared at a wall for a couple of minutes before slowly making his way to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and thought "When did everything go wrong?". He knew the answer, of course, but he still asked himself that question from time to time.

Hui kept staring at his reflection, getting angrier as he remembered the day his life took a turn for the worst. He quickly turned around, not wanting to see himself anymore and saw a familiar box hidden behind a cabinet. He stared at it, not showing any kind of expression, but there was a battle going on inside of his mind. He wanted to ignore the box and go back to sleep, hoping that tomorrow would be better, but on the other hand, he wanted to get rid of the sorrow he'd been building up in his heart for the past month.

He wanted to turn his emotional pain into physical pain.

He reached out and grabbed the box before locking his door. He pulled out the thin, sharp piece of metal with his hand shaking. He had done it so many times, but it always made him feel nervous. He knew that what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn't help but blame himself for what happened a year ago. He prayed that he would have been the one to die, but time doesn't go back.

Hui pulled up his sleeve and looked at his wrists. It was amazing what long sleeves and a fake smile could hide. He brought the blade closer to his skin and took a deep breath. He didn't have second thoughts. He had to do it; he didn't know why but he had to. It was the only pain he could control.

Just as the blade touched his skin he heard a loud thud coming from outside the door. He set the object down onto the sink and unlocked the door, peeking back into his bedroom. The first thing that he noticed was the picture that was usually sitting on his desk. It was laying on the floor, face down. He rushed towards it and picked it up before checking to see if the glass wasn't shattered.

He felt a wave of guilt wash over him again as he stared at Daeil who was flashing a bright smile.

Hui placed the photo back onto his desk, trying to get rid of the sickness invading his body. He then walked towards the window, planning to shut the window that was now open. He didn't remember opening it, but he just figured out that he was too worn out to remember.

He headed to the bathroom again, ready to go back to what he was doing, but he stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed the picture frame again. The glass was totally shattered, covering the surface in small, sparkly pieces. He cautiously walked towards the desk and reached out to take the photo, making sure it was safe.

"Broken glass; it's just like glitter, isn't it?" a voice chuckled in a sweet tone.

Hui spun around with his eyes wide, trying to figure out who was talking, but he couldn't see anyone. The words replayed in his head several times, making him realize that the voice he hard was still fresh in his memory even after all this time.

He shook his head, realizing that he was finally going crazy and hearing things. He turned back at the photo before realizing that the frame was now back to normal but with a small post-iy stuck to the corner.

 He turned back at the photo before realizing that the frame was now back to normal but with a small post-iy stuck to the corner

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Hui picked up the note, making sure that it was real before plopping on the bed, squeezing it in his hands.


His eyes flickered open as they tried to adjust to the dim light that was now surrounding him. He stood up slowly and ruffled his hair before remembering what happened the night before.

Hui quickly pulled himself back together and started searching for the note desperately through the sheets. He sighed in relief once he saw the yellow piece of paper resting in his palm. He looked at it intensely and smiled before going to the bathroom.

As soon as he entered, he noticed the blade resting on the edge of the sink, reminding him of his stupid actions. Hui frowned and grabbed it, slightly cutting his finger in the process. He put it back into the box and shoved the box into the pocket of his hoodie, which he didn't bother to change since last night. He headed outside of his room and down the stairs before exiting the house. He walked towards the shed and came out with a small garden shovel, walking to the back of the house afterwards.

It was 5 AM in the morning, so he knew that the others weren't awake yet; that's why he didn't mind making noises as dug a small hole into the ground.

He took the box out of his pocket and placed it inside of the hole without having any second thoughts. He then looked at the crumbled piece of paper in his hand and decided that it was best that nobody else knew. He gently put it next to the box before filling the hole back with dirt.

He stood up and smile, realizing that things were going to be much better from now on...


Now this... was deep...

I know you might have expected a cute, fun chapter about the guys dressed up in cute Halloween costumes, but I wanted to develop Hui's character dome more in this chapter. He's probably my favorite character along with Jinhong and I also wanted to remind people that you are never alone. Literally.

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