Chapter 9

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The blade was almost piercing Cory's neck, making it hard to breathe for him. He closed his eyes and waited for the pain, but he only heard a gunshot.

The hand that laid on his shoulder felt limp. The sound of a body crashing onto the floor sent shivers up his spine. He stared at the wall in front of him; it was splattered with oozing red blood and small pieces that looked like brain matter. He had killed people before, but his heart still sank into his chest. He was disgusted, but also sad. He had known Sungoh for years and even if he had betrailed them so many times, he was still part of the family and it hurt loosing him.

Cory slowly turned around and stared at Sungoh's dead body, his eyes landing on the black hole in the back of his head. He then got the courage to look at the shooter and noticed Kisu shaking while holding a gun in his hands. His eyes were wide and he was very pale. Unlike the others, he hasn't killed anyone before, especially a person he cared for so much.

Cory rushed to comfort him. He pulled him into a hug, leaving red stains on Kisu's shirt. Jeonguk and Hongseob also appeared after hearing the gunshot. Jeonguk just stared at the mess while the younger quickly turned around feeling extremely sick out of a sudden.

Kisu dropped the gun and wrapped his arms around Cory, quietly sobbing on his shoulder. Cory pat his head a few times, replaying the events in his head.

Jeonguk sighed and walked over to Sungoh's lifeless body, dragging his body out of the kitchen while Hongseob also seeked comfort in Cory's embrace.


38 hours; it had been 38 hours since Sungoh left Minseo alone in that room.

She was starving and she was extremely thirsty. The skin on her wrists was already gone since she tried so hard to free herself from that chair. She could barely keep her eyes open anymore. She stayed awake the whole time, fearing that if she were to close her eyes she'd never open them again. She waited for time to pass, thinking about the guys and talking to herself.

She looked like a cray person, that was for sure!

As she waited for her savior, she wondered if they were still alive. She wondered if Sungoh was going to succed in his mission. She wondered if she'd ever see daylight again.

The sounds coming from behind the door made her snap back to reality. She stared at the doorknob being twisted before a figure appeared in front of her. Even though her vision was blurry, she could still distinguish a male figure with orange hair. She only managed to crack a small smile before she passed out.


Minseo suddenly regained consciousness as she felt a sharp pain seep into her wrist. Her eyes shot open and she instinctively pulled her hand away, but she realized that someone was tightly holding her wrist.

"Relax! It's just me." Changsun chuckled. His smile was precious.

Minseo calmed down and let him disinfect her wrist. She had cuts and bruises all over it and she was sure that they'd leave some nasty scars.

"Thank you for saving me. I owe you one." she bowed.

"Nah... That-"

"She awake!" Hongseob shouted.

Minseo looked over at the door and blinked a couple of times before the younger wrapped his arms around her, squeezing the life out of her body (or at least what was left of it)

"How long have I been asleep?" she mumbled.

"About 17 hours now." Changsun answered, checking his watch.

Minseo groaned as she struggled to sit up. She stared at the bandages around her wrists and sighed. She felt her eyes getting watery so she buried her face in her palms. The guys looked at each other confused.

"Where's Sungoh?..." she asked quietly.

Changsun sat down next to her and pated her shoulder.

"We had to kill him."

Minseo's cheeks were stained with tears now. She pulled her knees up and hugged them, continuing to sob quietly. Hongseob felt like she needed some alone time so she signaled Changsun to follow him out of the room, but he refused to leave her. He hugged her and placed a kiss on her forehead trying to make her feel better.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, but that silence was shooting. In the end, Minseo wiped her tears and looked at Changsun.

"Since you're done crying, I have to tell you something." he paused before putting on a serious face.

"We need you for our mission."


Minseo sassily walked towards the building. Her hair was loose on her shoulders and she was wearing a bright red lipstick. Her cleavage was low enough to show a bit of the lacey black bra that she was wearing. She had a short red skirt on and also a pair of high black stockings.

The men guarding the entrance smiled once they saw her.

"I'm here for Mr. Kang." she fluttered her eyelashes.

"Mr. Kang? Did he die? Are you his guardian angel?" one of the men joked, leaning closer to Minseo.

"I could be..." she smirked as she walked past them and into the building.

Meanwhile, the boys were waiting for her to open the back door for them, but Minseo was taking too long and they were already worried about the whole situation.

Minseo walked towards the end of the corridor. She softly knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Come in." a deep voice came from behind the door. She knew that voice too well.

She pushed the door opened and stared at the familiar man as he slowly drank his wine. He was holding his glass between his pointer and middle finger and he was sitting in a fancy leather armchair.

"Doyoung?" she called out in a sweet voice.

The guy looked extremely surprised to see her, but the look of surprise quickly turned into lust.

"Minseo... Nice to see you again..." he said standing up. "But I told you to call me William."

Minseo faked a smile.

"Got time for a drink?" he asked, pouring some more wine into his glass.

"I don't know, do I?" she smirked, walking over to him. Once she was close enough she placed her hand on the man's chest and lightly pushed him back into the armchair. She reached for the wine glass and looked at the red liquid before smashing the glass on the guy's head.

"You were the one who sent him! Sungoh's dead because of you!" she screamed, stabbing the stem of the wine glass into his neck. several times before backing away.

Minseo dropped the glass and looked at her bloody hands. She closed her eyes and realized that she couldn't find out where the drugs were now.

She looked around the room and noticed the opened seif in the corner. She smirked and ran over to the seif, opening it with a grin plastered on her face. She grabbed the suitcase that was inside and walked towards the door, ready to leave.


The back door opened and Minseo stepped outside, basically throwing the suitcase at Cory. She gave him a cold look before walking past the boys, heading back to the car.

"Yo! What happened?" Jinhong asked, running after her. "Why didn't you open the door for us?"

"I realized that I could do everything by myself." she said coldly and continued walking. "Let's go home. I'm tired..." she ordered, wiping away a tear.


I think I'm gonna end up killing half of the characters by chapter 20...

I'm sorry if you're Sungoh biased.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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