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They looked up to the bat creature as it sat on the clock. It raised its wings and flew at them. They quickly ran around a wall and stood there.

"Did that thing come out of the hat!?" Regina asked looking at them. "I thought the spell was only supposed to release fairies."

"Maybe it's some type of fairy." Mary Margaret answered.

"Why don't we just put it back in the hat and figure out the rest later?" Emma asked looking to them.

"We can't because once something's freed, it can never be retrapped." Belle said looking at Emma.

"Great. So our best way to defeat a magical beast follows the same rule as chicken pox?" Emma asked looking to them.

"Surely the saviors and the evil queen can defeat a simple hell beast." Hook said looking at them.

"Can we drop the e word." Regina said with a sigh.

Maya, Emma, and Regina ran out to the street and looked to each other. They all started to force their magic at it. Emma had a white magic come from her hands, while Maya's was a bit of a gold and white mixture. Regina's was red and a little purple.

They attacked it enough so that it started to fly away. "Okay. So what now? Is it over?" Maya asked looking to Regina.

"We only stunned it. A blast that powerful should've destroyed it." Regina said as the rest of them ran over.

"Things were just going so well." Maya sighed.

"You totally jinxed it." Emma said as Maya ran her fingers through her hair. She totally did jinx it and she knew it. "Belle-" Emma started.

"I'll go to the library and see if there is anything about the beast." Belle interrupted.

"Mom can you-" Maya started to say looking at Mary Margaret.

"I'll get everyone to safety. I'm on it." She said with a nod.

"Zach-" she started.

"I'll warn the merry men and others in the woods." He answered with a nod.

"Wow you guys really have this down." Emma said looking to them.

"Well this isn't our first monster bash." Hook answered before leaving with Belle.

"Okay." Emma nodded.

"So now that that is settled, we can go figure out how to clip this bats wings before it comes back." Regina said as they headed to her office.

As they got inside Regina received a call. "It's Rumple." She said looking to them. She answered it and looked down. "Hello?" She asked as her face started to look irritated.

"Regina who is it?" Emma asked.

"The sea bitch." Regina said angrily. She waited for a second. "Mostly wondering how a plate of undercooked calamari ended up with the dark ones cellphone." Regina looked up at them.

"Regina." Emma said.

"Put it on speaker." Maya added quietly. She put her phone on speaker and the three all sat down.

"And where is he now?" Regina asked looking at the phone.

"If we're lucky, still passed out in the bar Curella and I left him." The woman answered. Maya thought for a moment. It must have been Ursula. She remembered reading about when they kidnapped Belle. They must have gotten back together.

"Cruella?" Regina asked surprised.

"Yes, we are back together. Rumple found us in New York, said he needed some old friends. Told us a terrible tale about how he lived in a quaint little town until he ruined everything." Ursula answered through the phone as Maya looked at it suspiciously. She wondered how they even knew where to go since Mr. Gold usually doesn't give out information so easily.

CURIOUS: Sensational ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 4]Where stories live. Discover now