Chapter 1 - Mistakes

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'Wake up! Wake up! Waaake up!' It was Derek. He's my 4-year-old half-brother.

'You seriously need to stop being my annoying little alarm clock!' I kind of liked yelling at him because I've never had a sibling to yell at before. My dad couldn't keep it in his pants so Derek was born with my former nanny as his mother. Scandalous hoe is what my mother liked to call her. My parents were like any other parents. Well kind of. My mom is 26 and my dad is 29. So, they got youth still going for them. Sophia Melissa Rodriguez and Angel Miguel Rodrick. Tattooed dad and as the boys across the street refer to my mother 'Mexican Hottie'. My mother did not dress like a mother should. She wore short shorts and skirts. I hated the way the boys at my school looked at her. I mean hello? I'm the younger version of her. My dad wears baggy pants and long shirts. He used to be gang affiliated before he met my mom. But frankly, I don't care about his past. He's my father and I love him just the same. Derek looks nothing like my father, but strangely like my mother. My mother, being the conceded woman she is, said that her beauty radiated herself into the DNA of the child she called 'Him'.

'But mommy said to wake you before you're late for school!' he whined. My nanny, Audrina, Derek's mother, moved in after my mother moved out. Since she and my father never actually got married, there was no messy divorce to go through. Luckily for me, Audrina never made eye contact with me because she knows I have a temper. Especially with people who help my father cheat on my mother.

'Leave Derek! And tell your mother to stop trying to be some sort of parent to me!' I could tell I had hurt his feelings because his lower lip started quivering and his eyes started to water. A wave of guilt fell over me. It wasn't his fault that he was born into such a complicated situation. I was 8 years older than him and he looked up at me.

'Listen Dare Bear, I can get up on my own. But don't worry you can help me do other things.' 

'Okay Lai Lai,' he gave me one of his famous bear hugs and left my room to go cause mischief somewhere else.  


School seemed to drag on for hours. The only thing that kept me going was that I would see Michael after. Michael is the guy I've had a crush on since grade school. He has blond silky hair that reaches down to his ice blue eyes. He has the most amazing smile, it almost blinds me. Now that I'm in 7th grade, I think I'm ready for a relationship. Oh, how I adored him.

'Miss Rodrick, would you mind telling the class what the square root of 60 is?' Mrs Knight had said.


'Excuse me, what did you just say?!'

'No! Gosh, it seems like your brain is dead or something?'

'Well then, why don't you explain to the principal why you think so!?'

'Whatever, I was hoping you'd send me there anyway.' I had left the class with my smile on my face. I could tell my friends and the rest of the kids in my math class were impressed. I didn't rebel because I had wanted attention or popularity. I did it because it felt good. As the hippies in the old-time movies say, 'Stick it to the Man!' and that's exactly what I was going to do.

As I walked into the Principal Moreno's office I didn't feel an ounce of fear. I've been in this place plenty of times and none of them made me shiver. I silently stepped into the office and took a seat at the chair that was basically mine now since I was always here. I put my feet on the coffee table right in front of me and watched Principal Moreno. He was staring at the window with his hands behind his back. This usually meant I was going to get a lecture. 'Ms Rodrick? And for what do I owe this pleasure of company?' Principal Moreno said as he turned facing me. I was a little shocked because there was no ounce of sarcasm in his voice. I shivered for the first time in the principal's office.

'Nothing; it's just that I can't stand my stupid teacher.' Principal Moreno laughed and walked over to me. I looked up at him sending another shiver down my spine. He then leaned his face close to mine. 

'Get back to class, Ms Rodrick.' Principal Moreno said. I stood up quickly and almost ran out of the office.


'Hey, Alaina! Alaina, wait up!' my heart started to beat faster. It was Michael.

'Oh, hey...' I said shyly.

'I thought we were going to walk home together.'

'Oh yeah! I'm so sorry. It's just that Principal Moreno was acting creepy so I ran out of the school building.'

'Ha-ha. Oh yeah, I heard about you getting in trouble for yelling at a teacher. You know that's what I like about you, you're not afraid to speak your mind. And as for Principal Moreno, don't worry I'll protect you.' he laughed, indicating he was joking. I shoved him playfully. He turned and grabbed my hand, making us both stop.

'What are you-' I was cut short by Michael's lips on mine. Well this was unexpected, I thought as my lips moulded to his. I mean, we were just talking about our weird principal and he just kisses me? I bounced back to reality as Michael came up from the kiss. He was smiling and I couldn't help but smile back.

'Sorry about that. Just needed to try it.' I laughed like it was nothing. But inside I was screaming happily because it had finally happened. I had my first kiss with Michael.


After my amazing walk home with Michael, I arrived home especially tense. I knew Principal Moreno had called home but I didn't know who answered. I walked in the kitchen and my parents were there. They were laughing and drinking. Derek was sitting at the table playing with Legos and laughing too.

'Uh, what's so funny?' I asked nervously.

'Oh, just that our little girl wants to stick it to the man!' my dad said. He started giggling like a school girl.

'We understand this whole freedom of speech crap, but don't be messing up in school, mija.' Mom always knew how to put things.

'Like you're one to talk, mom. You dropped out of high school, got pregnant, married this guy who cheats on you and has a love child!' I felt a pang of guilt as hurt expressions passed over everyone. I immediately took it back when I thought about how hypocritical my parents were. I turned quickly and headed out the door. I got goose-bump as the cold-night air hit my face.

I walked down the street and buried my hands in my pockets. I looked around suddenly aware of everything around me. I could hear my conscious telling me to go back home but I refused to listen to it. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

I suddenly jumped at the sound of a car skidding to a stop behind me. I turned, shielding my eyes from the bright car lights. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed a figure emerging from the car. At first, I wanted to run but then I recognised the driver. It was Principal Moreno. He walked over to me and smiled. 'Isn't it a little too late to be out alone?' he asked.

I crossed my arms. 'No.'

'Well, your parents called me and said to drive you back home.' I raised an eyebrow and shook my head quickly. 

'Um n-no thanks. I can walk.' I started fast walking in the direction of my house but was abruptly stopped by Principal Moreno's hand across my face. I fell and cradled my throbbing cheek. I tried to yell, my throat felt too dry. I was powerful as he picked me up and threw me into the back of his car. 

Right there and then, I realised that the only person that could save me now was myself.

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