Chapter 12 - Remember

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'Why are we staying here?' I asked Roger as he opened up a motel room. I puckered my face at the stench. I pinched my nose as Roger wheeled me in and parked me in the middle of the room.

'Um.. our home is getting renovated. We'll be back soon.' I nodded and started to get up. My ribs and head hurt but I still managed to stand up and slowly walk to the bathroom.

Once I got there, I looked at myself in the mirror and stared at my bruised up face.

I got goose-bumps as a memory tried to push itself into my mind. But nothing came. I shook my head and was about to use the toilet when I saw something weird.

The bathtub had blankets and a pillow in it as if someone had been sleeping there.

But whoever that was hadn't slept there in a while. I was about to go and ask Roger about it but then something caught my eye.

A syringe.

I reached over and right when I touched it an electric shock ran through me.

'I FUCKING HATE THIS!! I HATE YOU! TAKE ME HOME!' I fought the urge to scream as a scene played in my head like a movie once I touched the syringe.

It sounded like me screaming and pounding on the door. It seemed like a memory but I don't remember doing that.

'Does little Alaina want her mommy? Does she want to go home? It would be a waste if I have you and not use you for that I want. You don't want to be wasteful, do you?'

I soon saw Roger come into the scene and he was laughing and holding the same syringe that was in the bathtub.

He stepped close to the girl named Alaina and he plunged the needle in her neck.

I tried hard to wake myself from this memory but I couldn't snap myself out of it. Alaina soon fell unconscious and then Roger...

Roger raped her.

I felt a tear escape down my cheek and then the memory was over.

'Didn't I tell you? He's not your father. And that girl in that memory is YOU.' The voice said in an 'I told you so' tone. I shut my eyes and sat down on the cold tile in the bathroom. 'You remember, don't you? All those times that you cried over going home. You have a real father and mother. And even a brother, Alaina. Remember, please.' The voice pleaded.

I shook my head and got up. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember anything. I walked out of the bathroom and found Roger messing around inside a first aid kit.

I stared at him in disgust as he quickly put the kit away once he saw me. He came over and patted my back. 

'What's wrong, sweetie?' he asked in a baby voice. I shrugged his hand off.

'Don't touch me!' I yelled. He looked at me with shock and he raised his hand to slap me. I felt tears pour as his hand made contact with my cheek.

This moment felt like it happened before. I looked up at Roger's face and I didn't see the face of a father. I saw the face of a straight up fuck face.

Because I knew that face.

It was the face of Principal Roger Moreno.

And I? I was Alaina Jolie Rodrick.

I finally remembered.

'It's funny how you think you've won, Roger. I may have forgotten who I was an hour ago but now I remember. I'm not your daughter, and if I were, I would have already killed myself.' I saw him look astounded.

I smiled and took my hand off my throbbing cheek so I could throw a nearby cooking pan at him. He dodged it but that didn't faze me.

'My name is Alaina and I'm not the same scared little girl I was when you kidnapped me.' I glanced to the side and something metal and reflective caught my eye on the floor.

A gun.

'Thank goodness for voices in my head right, Roger?' I said, trying to distract him as I inched towards the gun.

'You're fucking crazy, you little bitch!' Roger yelled charging for me. I jumped at the chance and dived towards the gun. I landed with my fingers just barely missing it. Roger dove on top of me and pulled me backwards by my legs.

I tried turning around since I was lying on my stomach but Roger's painful blows to my back made me cringe. I tried crawling to the gun but Roger always pulled me back. I finally turned around and kicked him as hard as I could. Roger fell and I took the chance to grab the gun. I picked it up and sure enough... it was loaded. I slowly pointed the gun at Roger who stared at me in horror.

That's when I heard the voice whisper:

'Pull the trigger...' it said.

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