Chapter 7 - Wishes

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You know when you have nightmares and you want to run but you can't get your legs t work? Well that's how I felt right now. I was staring right at Roger's scruffy face but I just couldn't get my feet to turn and make a beeline for the exit. Or my lungs were suddenly so dry that a scream for help would only be a muffled whisper.

I knew I shouldn't be scared since I was in the hospital waiting room full of people who would probably help me but that seemed out of the question. After 10 seconds of thinking about it, I decided to get up and run. I'm guessing Roger read my mind because before I did anything he already had a tight grip on my wrist. I looked at the other people for help but they just pretended to not see what was happening.

'I bet you think you're really smart, huh? Thinking you've outsmarted me!'

Although Roger was angry he kept his voice down so no one would hear him. He twisted my arm until tears sprung from my eyes.

'You know what you perverted asshole? Just wait until people find out how sick minded you are! They'll probably kill you in prison seeing how people hate child molesters and kidnappers. I hope you burn in hell.' And after I said that, I used my free hand to punch him as hard as I could. I heard a snap as my fist collided with his nose. Roger yelped and before running away I kicked him right where it would hurt. In his balls.

'You little bitch! I'll find you and I'll kill you.' Roger said between moans of pain. When I heard that I couldn't help but have goose-bumps all over my body. As I approached the exit a window caught my eye.

It was the window where you look in and you can see the doctors milling around. I looked in and Michael was being put into a room on a gurney. He had an oxygen mask on his face and he wasn't moving. I wanted to yell out his name but nothing came out. I felt water drops hit my hands and it only took me a second to realise that I was crying.  

'It was that girl! She attacked me because I asked her if she was alright!'

I turned to see Roger with a security guard. Fuck. I stole one final glance at Michael and then bolted towards the exit. I wasn't sure if Roger and the rent-a-cop were behind me but I still kept running till the cold night air hit my face. I stopped, looking from left to right till I decided which way to go. I would try to find my way back to Alex's neighbourhood.

I looked up at the sky as I ran towards a street I thought looked familiar. I wasn't sure what my plan was. I mean, what would I do when I got there? Ask for a ride home? I didn't even know where home was from here.

Alaina? What are you doing out this late? Where's Michael?'

I looked into the emerging dark figure and sure enough, there was Alex. I ran and hugged him. I bet if a stranger walked by us they would have thought we were in love by the way I was holding on for dear life.

'Whoa, whoa. So, are you going to answer any of my questions?' Alex asked as he gently untangled my arms from around my waist.

'You don't really want to know why I'm out here, this late and Michael's still in the hospital getting surgery for his arm.' Alex looked at me a little weirded out be still grabbed my hand and led me to his quad. 

'Come on, I'll take you to my house.' He said as he climbed on and stared the engine. I stopped and stared at him for a moment.

'Actually, I was wondering if you could do me a big favour.' Alex stayed quiet waiting for me to continue.

'I need you to take me to Malibu, California.' Alex widened his brown eyes and laughed.

'You're kidding right. California is a LONG way from here. I think you'll need a plane not a quad motorcycle.' 

I thought for a second. 'Where exactly am I?' Alex looked at me like I was crazy.'

'Um, Dallas, Texas.' I shrugged so I would keep myself from bawling. I was really far from home. I climbed on the motorcycle making sure Alex didn't see my disappointment on my face. As he drove I buried my face in his back until he stopped. I looked up and we didn't seem to be anywhere.

'Look, I'll take you to Malibu but I'm only thirteen and I don't have a license to drive that far but I know someone who can. She's leaving tonight so I just have to go home pack off, and we'll be ready.

'Thank you so much!' I said as I hugged him some more.

After a few minutes, we were in front of Alex's two-storey house. The yellow house was so inviting that I would have walked in myself but I had manners and I wouldn't do that. Alex took off the helmet I didn't even realise he was wearing, and hopped off the bike.

'Wait here; I'll only be five minutes.' And with that he sprinted towards the house leaving me outside in the cold, night air. I stared up at the sky again and watched the airplanes that looked like shooting stars. Since I couldn't see the real stars the airplanes were my only hope. I wished for Michael.

I wished for my parents who were probably crying right now. I wished that the cops would get Roger. And I wished for Michael and for me to finally get home. I opened my eyes and saw that the airplane was gone. I smiled thinking it was a sign that my wish would come true and hopefully they would. Because I was on my way to meet a stranger who would finally, take me home. 

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