Chapter 10 - Miss You

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'I swear you guys are so much fun to watch. It's like pre-teen drama.' Diana said while sipping a slushy. We were wandering around the amusement park after almost going on all the rides. Michael had kept his distance and I couldn't help but side glance at him every so often.

He never looked back or met my eyes that I was holding Alex's hand. After a few hours, I had stopped caring. I made a mistake and so did he. I was going to leave it at that.

'You don't have to feel bad about holding my hand, Alaina.' Alex whispered in my ear. He stopped me and let Diana and Michael get ahead before we started walking again. I stared at his chocolate brown eyes and waited for something.

Like goose-bumps or butterflies in my stomach. But just as I expected: NOTHING. I composed myself though and let him say what he wanted to say.

'I know it's a long shot, me being with you I mean, but couldn't we just try? Michael doesn't get it. I do. You just need to understand that.' Alex blushed and looked down. How wrong he is, I thought.

Alex was the one who didn't understand. He doesn't know what Michael and I have been through together. Being kidnapped, beaten senseless, surviving a shooting, and so many other things.

I didn't want to answer him though instead I pulled him until we were walking again. I stared at the ground as my eyes filled with tears.

'Let go of her hand, I need to talk to her.' I looked up and saw Michael with his face in Alex's. Alex tightened his grip on my hand.

'It's okay. I want to talk to him.' I told Alex. Alex gave me a wary look but he let go and ran to catch with Diana.

I sat down on a nearby bench and waited for Michael to do the same. He didn't. He just stood in front of me. I stood up too and thoughts clouded my mind.

'Michael, I just wanted to say-' I began to say.

'I seriously don't want to hear it, Alaina. And that's not the reason I wanted to talk to you. have you seen this? It was posted on the amusement park bulletin board.' Michael handed me the front page of a newspaper and I slowly began to read:


'The bodies of Alaina Jolie Rodrick and Michael Afton Greene have been found. The bodies were discovered by a hiker who had smelt something burning. The bodies were so badly decomposed and burnt that any hope of the parents seeing their children was lost. DNA was also difficult but the bodies were at the exact height and likeness to the missing kids. The search for these children which began 3 months ago has been stopped. All we can do now is give our condolences to their families. And to Alaina and Michael: 'May you rest in peace'.

My jaw dropped and my eyes bugged out. I'm dead? Michael's dead? My head hurt and I couldn't understand anything. I looked at Michael whose expression was blank.

'We're dead...' I asked Michael softly.

'Yeah, that means going home isn't an option.' He replied.

'But why-' but as soon as those words were out of my mouth I was interrupted.

'Mikey! Come and take pictures with us!' some girls yelled from somewhere. Michael side-glanced at them and then his eyes stared into mine.

'I love you more than you know, Alaina. But apparently that meant nothing to you. Yeah, you came back but why? You were guilty, right? Guilty because you knew that we were in this together but you decided that I had to be out of the picture. I am now, I guess. Unlike you Alaina, I have no one to go back to. So why go back? You're the only person I had and now I've lost you too. I love you, okay? But it just hurts too much... and with that he walked off to those other girls. I stood there. 

Is this really happening? Did the love of my life just break up with me after all that we'd been through?

I sat down on the bench and shook my head. I knew that if I cried I would cry loudly. So I just stood up and headed towards the exit of the park.

I ignored the nasty stares the girls with Michael gave me and I kept walking. Once I was outside, I felt better. I looked around and knew that it would be dark soon but I didn't care.  

I speed walked down the parking lot until I couldn't hear the rides anymore. I let the sobs come out now, not even caring that people were staring. How could Michael do this to me? I loved him so much-.

'Hey kid watch out!' someone yelled. It was too late though. I hadn't noticed but I'd stepped onto the busy road. Right in the sights of a big pickup truck.

The wind knocked out of me as the truck made contact with my body. I felt myself fly then hit the cold, hard ground. I could taste the blood in my mouth but all pain ceased suddenly.

There was a white light then. I stared at it and then I realised that my eyes weren't open. I was seeing the light in my head.

'You're the only person I had and now I've lost you too.' 

Michael's words drifted into my mind. The white light slowly started to grow brighter after Michael's words drifted away. I didn't know what to think but then out of nowhere; another set of words drifted into my mind.

Alaina Jolie Rodrick was dead.

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