Chapter 2 - Nightmares

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'Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?' Principal Moreno began to order and I noticed he was ordering for two. Was I going to eat?

I looked down at my stomach which had given up on rumbling and was now wallowing in emptiness.

It had been exactly 1 day; 6 hours; 26 minutes; and 36 seconds since I had taken the walk that brought me to this.

I had been so bored and scared as Principal Moreno had driven; that I had begun counting minutes, seconds, hours. It was the only thing I could do to stop myself from crying or flinching every time Principal Moreno reached into the passenger seat and put his hand on my knee.

I really hated this guy.

I twisted my head slightly, trying not to make it obvious that I was looking out the window.

I looked at everything; trying to make myself recognise anything so I would know where we were but I got nothing. I was fucked.

I continued looking out the window and the seat squeaked as I turned my gaze. I didn't expect anything to happen but I was WRONG.

I felt Principal Moreno's fist come down on my cheek. I yelped causing him to hit me again. He grabbed me by the hair then and made my tear stricken face look at him.

'There are rules when you're with me and if they are not followed what just happened will happen again.' He said with poison in his voice. 'Now straighten up and wipe your face. When I pull up to the window, you are not to look anywhere but forward and no talking. And from now on you will only address me as Roger indoors and dad in public. One more thing, you will NEVER cry or suffer the consequences.'

I nodded, already obeying his commands.

Roger drove up to the window and got the food. I inhaled deeply.

The smell was so intoxicating which made my stomach start grumbling again. I kept silently sniffing until Roger drove up to a motel and made me get out.

He went inside the main office and made me wait outside. As I stood there, I looked up at the dark sky and the stars seemed to spell, RUN! And that's what did it. I was going to run. I quickly scanned the motel lot. I spotted some greasy looking old man smoking from pipes and whistling at me. I turned ignoring him.

I spotted women in provocative clothing walking around. I spotted homeless people and stray dogs.

That made me not want to run. I was too late by now anyway, Roger was coming through the glass doors of the main office. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the room. I shivered. I did NOT want to spend a night alone in the same room with this man. It seemed though that I could do nothing about it.

As we stepped through the door of the room, I felt the urge to pinch my nose and never breathe again. It stunk! I coughed trying to let Roger know that I was not going to stay in this place. He just smirked and pushed me into the bathroom.

He put a pillow and a few blankets into the bathtub and then left leaving me there. I looked around and I felt tears swelling up in my eyes. I wanted to scream and shout. I wanted to KILL Roger!

'I FUCKING HATE THIS!! I HATE YOU! TAKE ME HOME!' I screamed at the door which was locked.

I started banging on it and cursing until I was out of breath. Roger soon came in and he was laughing his face off.

I noticed something in his hand. It was a syringe. And it was full of clear liquid.

'Does little Alaina want her mommy? Does she want to go home? It would be a waste if I have you and not use you for what I want. You don't want to be wasteful, do you?' Roger began laughing again as I tried to stay curled up at an edge of the bathtub.

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