Get Me Juice

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"Get me juice." Amelia pleats, as we're on the set of "The Ellen Show."
She has been getting so snobby suddenly.
I look at her, embarresed, because she really is embarressing.
We're the ones responsible for her right now.
"Stop it." I mouth to her as she tries staring down one of Ellen's body guards.
She stops staring at him, and gets up.
I walk over to her, as she is about to walk to the mini fridge to get juice.
"Amelia, stop being so snobby. Next time, just get it yourself." I say.
She shoots me the meanest look ever.
"Well, super stars are supposed to have assistants." she says.

Now this child thinks she's a super star?!
Well, she is, but you know, I don't want this fame to change my little sister.

She grabs an orange juice from the mini fridge, and sighs.

What's her problem?

"What's wrong?" I ask.

She waits a couple seconds, then says "I need an assistant."


That's what she's upset about?...

"Dude! You're 5! You don't need a freaking assistant." I say, enranged.

She laughs. "All celebrities need them."

Wait, so now she thinks she's a celebrity?

I pinch her arm. "Please bring the old Amelia back." I say.

"I was never old." the little smart ass says.

I roll my eyes, and walk away from the rude dirty mean munchkin.
What's wrong with her?

I look over at Ethan, who is sitting there on the chair, getting ready for the camera to start rolling.

"Okay! We're on in 30 seconds!" I hear Ellen say. I quickly run over, and sit in my orange seat.
"Not til someone gets me juice!" I hear a voice say.
I turn around, and see Amelia standing there, with her hands on her hips. "Now!"

The security man runs over, and grabs her a juice.

"You already have a juice!" I say.

"Let's go people!" Ellen says, and sits on her seat, next to Ethan. "E twin!" she laughs, referring to the beginning of their name letters. Amelia runs over, and sits on the seat.
I sit next to her.
Seconds later, the audience begins to clap, as the camera begins to roll.
"So, today I have the Dolan Twins and their little sister, Amelia!" Ellen says, "Oh...and their older sister..."
cameron shrugs, and rolls her eyes. She is sitting on the same seat as me, but on the other side of Amelia.
"So, how is it to have them as your older brother?" Ellen asks Amelia.
Amelia is slurpoing through her straws of her juice boxes.
She holds up her figer as into say Give me a second, bitch.
I nearly face palm.
This little fuck is going to be murdered when we get home.

She continues to slurp.

After a couple of seconds, she is done slurpping and gives the juice boxes to the security guard, behind her.

My eyes open wide.

"Umm...what was the question?" Amelia asks, looking at Ellen.

The audience and Ellen laugh.

Well, as long as they think she's funny.

"How is it being the sister of them?" Ellen asks.

"Of who?" Amelia asks.

"The twins!" Ellen frets, and I can tell that Amelia is getting on her last nerve.

Boy, this interview is going to be one hell of an interview...

Amelia Dolan//A Dolan Twins FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz