Lucky Number 7

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"Daddy, I can explain!" Francesca hesitates.

"Daddy?!" I blurt.

This big huffy gross man is her dad?!

He is wearing the same apron she had been wearing, except 15 times bigger.

"Who is this boy?" he shouts.

Francesca looks at me. "My friend." she says.

"Out!" the man yells, and looks at me.

"Dad! We'll be out in a minute, I promise!" Franny says.

"You've got 30 seconds!" he says, and leaves.

"I'm so sorry, Gray. That's my dad. He is the boss of this coffee shop. He has scared all of my other boy friends away, but I won't let him do the same to you." she says, and walks over to me. "You're special."

She puts her hands on my chest.
How many other boyfriends has this girl had?! She's only 16!

Apparently her dad is just like Amelia.
She scared Franny off.
Franny's old boyfriends were all scared off by her dad.

"Ummm...just wondering...exactly how many other boyfriends have you had?" I ask.

She begins to count on her fingers, and I can tell she has to really think about it.
She's suddenly done counting.
"You're my lucky number 7." she smiles.

Her dad comes storming in, even more enranged than last time.
"It's been thirty one seconds!" he shouts.

I jump, but Franny doesn't hesitate. 

"Hold your ears." she whispers to me.

"We're coming. Jesus Christ, dad!" she yells, at the top of her lungs.
"I still heard that." I say.

She laughs.

"He's just a friend, right?" the dad asks.
"Yeah!" Franny hesitates.

"Still, get out!" he yells.

Once again, I jump.

I can't be around a girl who's dad could kill me in a matter of 4 seconds.

Franny takes my hand and pulls me past her dad, which I get scared of when we walk by.

"Don't be scared of him. He's just a teddy bear." she whispers.

Teddy bear? I don't thinks so.

Once we're through the doors and away from her dad, I feel better.

"Want a job?" she says.

"Pardon me?" I say.

"Do you want a job here?" she says.

"And have your dad be my boss?.....Not happening." I say.

"See..." she says, and looks away.

"What?" I ask, and turn her around facing me.

"He's going to scare you off too, isn't he?" she cries.
My heart sinks.

"No." I whisper. "I won't let that happen."
This girl is the one.
I just know it.
Whenever I look into her eyes, I get butterflies.
And I'm not going to let some snobby big gross dad of hers get in the way of our relationship...
Even if it does mean fighting him.

Amelia Dolan//A Dolan Twins FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now