Amelia Struck My Love

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I'm walking down a random narrow road in California, enjoying the scenery, when I hear a horn honk.
I look over and see Amelia getting out of Ellen's car. It's just a natural thing now.
Ellen is always with us and all.
"Here you go! She's all yours!" Ellen says, and drives off.
I moan.
I was enjoying being by myself.
I look over and see a really pretty girl.
I walk up to her, and Amelia follows.
"Hello, beautiful." I say, then I realized that sounded creepy.
"Umm, hi! Wait?! You're Grayson?!" she laughs.
"Haha! Yes!" I say.
"Grayson still sleeps with a nightlight." Amelia says.
The girl gives me a dirty look.
"I'm just going to go..." she says, and walks off dramatically.
I give Amelia 1 angry look, and she tries to run. I grab her arm, and pull her back. "Amelia! Just stay out of my life! Now go home!" I say, and walk away from her.

-                                                                               -

Minutes later, I remeber Amelia is only 5.
Oh gees...
My heart sinks.
"Amelia!" I yelp.
I suddenly see Ellen, starting at me.
"Looking for someone?" Ellen asks, as a bunch of people hover around us.
I hesitate.
"'m just...ya know, practicing my acting skills." I lie...and jog off, the direction of where I left Amelia.

I do not want ANYONE to know I lost her...

I begin to walk home.

I have decided at this point that when I get home I am just going to pretend that Amelia is with Ellen still.

Minutes later, I open the door...and who do I see?

Amelia...sitting right there.

"Looking for me?" Amelia asks.

I almost have a heart attack.

" di...wh...."

I am speechless.

"Ethan found me." she says. "And you're in BIG trouble...." she says.

And I did not like the way she dragged out her "big."

Oh deer God help me....

Amelia Dolan//A Dolan Twins FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora