一 - ❛5th November 11:46 ❜

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Jungkook ran down the spiral staircase, putting on his deep brown coat. His heart was bursting out of his chest, slowing him down the slightest. The walls of the apartment complex towered over him, washing him over with anxiety. 

❝I'm late, out of the way dog!!!❞ He yelled, dodging the small puppy in his way. It's owner raised his head from his delivery box, his otter face scrunching into one of utter surprise. He looked down at his small fluff ball, and whispered in it's ear;

❝You don't want to mess with him, Coco.❞ The puppy whined and ran towards the main door of the apartment complex, scratching it slightly. ❝Yeah, let's go.❞    

Jungkook was speeding through the streets clutching onto his bag in fear. I can't get kicked out now of all time, I barely have money for my rent. Please! He screamed in his head, panic washing over him, engulfing him. 

His speedy steps echoed through his whole body, slowly coming to a halt. A small, reserved cafe stood in front of Jungkook, the smell of coffee creeping up his nose. In cursive, yet very bold, writing;  ❝Le Café de L'amour❞ stood tall and proud. It was a popular place for university students to wind down and do their schoolwork here.

Jungkook stumbled into the warm place, slipping off his coat and rushing over to the long counter. He put on an apron and sighed in anticipation, looking down at his over-sized watch. It read 11:56. He made it without having to explain himself to Xiumin, his boss, who was actually a sweetheart to all of his workers, however he couldn't stand when one was late to work. 

Brushing down his apron, Jungkook started to patiently wait for a costumer. It was quite unlikely that someone came in at such time, as it was school and work time for most.

He sighed, placing his head on top of his propped up hand. Jungkook sighed, just breathing in the warm scent of coffee. He really liked working here; it was a relaxing time for him and everyone else present. Getting away from studying for these few hours really blessed him. However, it did get boring at times, and this was one of those times. Jungkook glanced down at his watch again. 11:59. Only three minutes have passed. Letting out another sigh he closed his eyes, only to hear the bell of the cafe go off. Making himself presentable, he looked up.

A shorter man walked through the tall door, his hands tightly tucked into his over-sized black coat to protect himself from the November breeze. It hung to his knees and covered the bottom half of his face. The circular framed glasses loosely hung on the tip of his small, button nose, his dark eyes demanding attention. His blonde bleached hair brushed over his eyelashes, making his eyes stand out more from his round face. A tiny grin was on his face as he walked up to the awestruck boy.

❝One Iced Americano, please... Jungkook❞ The man slyly read the small name tag displayed on Jungkook's shirt. He was about to turn away, and make the man's coffee, however his movements were interrupted by the man's deep voice. It made shivers run down his spine. In a good way of course.

He gulped and turned back around to face the short man. The man's eyes were glinting, screaming mischief at the younger. 

I would also like the Baristas number.❞  


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