二 - ❛12th November 17:22 ❜

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Jungkook grasped the small piece of napkin that has been laying on his lap for the past 10 minutes. He examined the number, pointlessly flipping the small napkin around to see the ink of the pen running through it. He had returned the favour to the mysterious small man, but didn't have the courage to do anything else with it, apart from examining it from every angle.

6 days ago

I would also like the Baristas number.

Jungkook nearly choked on his spit, looking at the man in front him. The small smirk never left his soft looking face, his eyes still glistening dangerously. The man slowly raised his hand and moved his point finger, gesturing Jungkook to come towards him. The small boy moved againts his will to stand closer to the man. The mysterious man grinned and reached towards the napkin, scribbling his name and number down.

Min Yoongi


Call me when you have time baby boy ;)

Jungkook's eyes widened as he looked at the man; whom he now knew as Min Yoongi. In his head he was swimming in happiness - I mean after all this man, very attractive one at that, just gave him his number with a winky face on it. His day couldn't get better, but stranger.

Containing his grin, Jungkook walked towards the coffee machine, and made the best coffee he could manage to please the handsome man.


It's been 6 days, he probably doesn't even remember me. Jungkook sighed out loud, and looked out of his small, framed window. The snow flakes slowly fluttered through the dark night, making their way to the ground that has been cuddled by the snow flakes that made their way there the night beforehand - it's been snowing a lot at night these days.

After a few seconds of pondering, Jungkook looked down at the number again, running his fingers over the soft material. I bet that Min Yoongi guy is as soft as this small piece of napkin. Laughing slightly, Jungkook reached for his phone that was resting on his small pillow. He speedily typed in the number of the guy and texted him.


Hi, this is me, jungkook from the other day, sorry if im disturbing you.

In a matter of seconds a small 'ting' echoed through the enclosed space. Jungkook's eyes widened; he was shook.


You're not disturbing me at all, hi Jungkook.

His mouth agape, Jungkook quickly threw his phone away from him. Omg, omg, omg, omg he answered, what now? Breathing heavily, he let out a small screech, running towards his kitchen.

❝ OK, Jungkook, calm and composed. Calm... AND COMPOSED!!! ❞ He screamed on top of his lungs. He was letting out inhumane noises, running around in circles. After a few minutes of endless spinning, he calmed down, smiling like an idiot. He replied... what now???!!! He panicked again, running in circles.

Deciding that it would be the best to ignore the mysterious Yoongi guy, he gathered the ingredients to make a nice hot chocolate that he could sip on while debating how he should reply to the short man.

What he didn't know, was that his now muted phone was continuously welcoming notifications from the said man


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