One: Annie Dime

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This was the third time the town had fallen silent due to the killer this year, the last times (being 6 others) were mostly all last year, which we thought was the worst it could get; but it was obvious the killer was not stopping anytime soon and was on the loose.

It was almost tradition in our family and every family to mourn for whoever the new victim was, due to our town being small. We all gathered around the television, my older siblings Brielle and Adam squashing me in between them, whilst mum and dad stood behind us gripping the edge of the sofa, hoping it wouldn't be someone who was close to us.

"Tonight we have sadder news than normal," The news reporter would always say, "Earlier this day Annie Dime was found after being missing for the past five days, she was found dead in Eastman Creek at the edge of Creetle township where she lived. It is suspected to be linked to the previous murders within the town of Leah McCarthy, Alice Monroe, Niel Rooman, James Hicok, Olivia Penrose and Zoey Knight."

One cue was the sigh of relief from my parents; that it wasn't a close friend, (which it never was, they were always in high school, always year 12), this was then always followed by the current sniff my mother had, who felt bad for the victims family. Whom would have their own segment talking about how great their little angel was - the sarcasm noted, was only because every single person who died wasn't exactly the nicest in school, sure I still didn't want them dead.

"Oh poor Mariah... I had a conversation once with her in the grocery store, she adored her child," Mum cried, my sister makes a joke about Micheal Jacksons Smooth Criminal, and Adam finishes it with Annie is not okay, which Mum thought was wrong and gave them both a soft smack over the head, but all I could think about was Annie Dime.

Due to being a small town, the state wasn't really that interested in helping us out with these series of crimes, as none seemed to leave our isolated dull town. The police in our area lacked staff, and information on most of these cases, seeing it was the second year in and they hadn't found any "exact evidence" on who it led too, in fact the only thing they had was that they were all connected.

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