Seven: Suspects

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Faith was only a half reliable source, give or take even then, as she was known for starting drama. What we had got could've been a rumour started by her, or she had received, even then it was likely she had altered it out of proportion to make it just a little more interesting. It wasn't reliable information, but as we had no beginnings, it was information.

Alice was accused of blurting all of Nora's secrets about her home life at a New Years party. Leah didn't want to be her friend anymore seeing Nora was apparently a backstabber, and had tried to call her out for being so. (Ironic, Max had laughed), and so far there was no definite dirt on Annie.

When the information stopped Cassie said she was leaving to go to the movies with Faith, which Max once again said 'don't die', but I rolled my eyes and texted 'have fun' instead.

"You're no fun, lighten up Detective Morbid," Max says seriously, I open my mouth to protest, because frankly death right now wasn't the best joke, "I'm kidding Benji, you're so serious."

"Serious maybe - but morbid?" I say rolling my eyes, turning back to our board we had constructed.

If anyone walked in right now, we would look like the serial killer, (However, I was blessed with Brielle and Adam not being siblings to barge in - in fact, they only really leave their own rooms for dinner), either way we had a perfected layout on who was killed, how and their side story. (I just wanted an excuse to use red cotton and thumbtacks on a cork board like in movies).

Deciding the best way to hide it, we rip off the sheets from my bed and in the corner of my room we build a fort, (which is easy seeing my room is small, especially with the dark blue walls making the room feel closed in). Once we successfully hide our project perfectly, we climb inside and switch on the torch to see our red lines all lead to three suspects.

Nora, Wren and Tanner.

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