Three: Red Handed

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The first death was Zoey back in March last year, the next month Olivia, Noras' bestfriend and James were murdered only a few days a part, with James being Noras' boyfriend. Then Niel, two months later was found in one too many pieces after hit by a train. (It was later found he was tied to the tracks like in the old movies, However, it was usually the maiden who was in distress).

For a while there was nothing more, which made people believe maybe all the killings were over, although they kept looking. Then on New Years, at 12:06pm, the town was buzzing with news through text messages that Alice was hanging from the town halls statue of a pioneer with his spear. Although, some speculate it was a suicide or accident from drinking too much at a New Years party. Either way, three months later, Leah was found stabbed in her bedroom and now, only a month after Leah, Annie was presumably drowned in a creek.

"What's this detective boy?" Cassie sung as she snatched the book from my hands, I quickly spun around to stop her but Cassies' face fell. There was a moment of fear until I realised Cassie wouldn't hurt a fly.

"When did you get here?" I ask, my bedroom door was wide open but I sure it was shut; had she watched me trying to figure this thing out?

"A few minutes ago, but I've always wondered what was in your book," Cassie answers, snatching it back I open my mouth to retort but instead Max walks in.

"Oh you're working on another mystery I see?" Max asks nonchalantly.

"How long did you guys know I had this?" I ask back confused, I had made sure I had kept it secret, but obviously I wasn't doing that very well.

"Since like last month? You went toilet and Max dared me to see what was that book on your desk, don't worry, I'm not the murderer-" Cassie begins to explain.

"That's exactly what a murderer would say," Max points out clicking his fingers, I want to laugh, if I didn't feel my privacy being slaughtered.

"I was going to say it was just kind of morbid, but I mean if you catch onto anything we could all hunt them down, be town heroes," Cassie suggests as she flops onto my beanbag.

Laughing I shove my journal into my desk and take a seat on my bed, and this was my weekend, seeing outside wasn't safe enough unless you were a risk-taker, it was always someone gets dropped off at another kids house and they stay inside.

And then they wait.

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