Four: Begin

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Being stuck inside all weekend was never fun, those who had large backyards that were fenced off were blessed with the outside world. That was, you could either go with your parents to Target or your local grocery shop - or stay inside.

The town had decided on a strict curfew for teenagers, unless going in large groups or rebelling, but as there was not much point in doing that, almost every kid in the town of Creedle was robbed of their youth. (That is why many left - explaining Creedles rapidly decreasing population rate), but for those who decided to stay cooped up inside like me, it was best to just have friends.

The days my friends weren't around, boredom would quickly set in and I would watch already dry paint dry.

"Sometimes I realise why I go and stay at Faiths' house," Cassie says from the corner, I spare a glance at Max who tried not to laugh. There were always three remotes, but for some reason Cassie wasn't interested in killing aliens at a rapid achievement breaking rate. So she was mostly on her phone, which I probably would do too, but I liked my video games.

"You could still go to Faith's house," Max says as he stretches, Cassie raising a brow.

"So I can take more photos of her for you? No thanks Max," Cassie scoffs as she ties her hair up. We were all different, appearance wise, slight personal characteristics but all the same mindset.

Cassie had curly ginger hair, freckly face, brown eyes and a wide smile (that I had never seen in real life besides a family photo in her house), she was shorter than Max and I which made it easy enough to pick on her - even so we didn't dare.

Max was tall, broad, he was the brunette of the group and the only one who somehow had a tan for one who never bothered going outside. I'm sure he had muscle but always wore baggy clothes and didn't like doing things that involved a lot of effort.

I was the black hair and blue eyes with the pale complexion, I reminded myself as a scrawny zombie seeing I didn't have interest in getting buff or fit, maccas was easier and tastier, plus I was too invested in the towns killer scenario for exercise.

"Could you go for me?" I ask realising just who Faith was.

"Faith? I didn't think she was your type-" Cassie begins, disgust filling her voice as she lowers her phone.

"I have an idea."

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