Six: The Town Sweetheart

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Nora Winters was a main victim of all these deaths, despite not being physically harmed, it had to take an emotional toll on her. With every death having some sort of relation to her. At first glance, it would be best to ask about the dirt on her. (Of course there was none). But there was dirt about her friends; specifically the ones murdered. Which was weird for a nice girl to befriend such people.

Nora Winters didn't deserve the deaths of people close to her, no matter what type of person they were. She volunteered at the animal shelter, often fundraising so they wouldn't have to put down puppies and kittens, (or helping them get adopted - even getting out of towners to come in for the big days), she worked with her father at the bakery, almost filling her timetable, and then the rest of the time she was cleaning rubbish in the parks (before the curfew kicked in), or something else that helped her mother (who worked in the town committee).

It didn't even end there, at school she would help put on events, such as help organise theatre performance dates, or gala days. Everyone knew she had good grades as she won every certificate and was even a prefect.

She was an angel, (in Maxs' words, as he had a huge crush on her).

But the others?

Olivia and James were apparently sleeping together almost ever since Nora began dating the boy, which Max said 'good thing they died then', There was no dirt on Zoey as she hadn't begun recording it since the double kill.

Niel who had spent a lot of time with Nora after their deaths to keep her company had spiked a drink at a party in hopes of getting laid, leaving Nora finding her new friends Alice, Leah, Annie, Wren and Tanner.

Three being dead with the stories to come.

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