Five: Gossip Log

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CASS: update i'm in B)

"She does know she's not a hacker right?" Max asks as he reads the text over my shoulder.

ME: just text us when u get the info ok?

"You should've added 'don't die'," Max laughs, this time I stare at him until he apologises seeing the accident only a few days ago. Although - it wasn't an accident.

I had notes that connected everything, well according to my friends and I, but I still had no clue why people were killed, (the detectives were always pathetic and had no evidence, either that or they never shared and made themselves look like idiots). Another problem was my social status being so far out of it to hear anything about anyone.

"Do you think she'll actually know?" Max asks as he flips through my notes, (which, the idea of them knowing I had them still made me feel awkward, like my face would heat up to be as red as a tomato in any second and my gut would melt into a runny slushy in a moment, that type of awkward), there was nothing else to do but to clock the same video game for the 15th time (as I wasn't rich enough to buy anything else), or read the same book my mother gave me when I was ten. Playing detective was a lot more fun than either of those.

"Weren't you just accusing her of being the murderer?" I ask, Max grins as he continues to read. I give a shrug, seeing I really only know the names of other students, and even then that's a maybe. The only people I want to know, I know. (Except some, I could forget).

CASS: she has a fking book like u do, u should date u nerds.

CASS: she records every gossip ever wtf, i mean it makes sense with well yh.

Feeling my phone vibrate one too many times I tap Max, him grabbing a pen and clicking it accordingly.

"She knows alright," I say opening the next text message.

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