Chapter 4

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Natalie's POV

"Please stop lying, I know you know my name." She said, frustration evident in her voice. "Just tell me what's going on."

"Fine." I sighed. "I just..." I trailed off. I guess this is it. She'll know that I came back to time just to see her. And I'm a hundred percent sure that she's gonna laugh at me.

"Well?" She questioned, awaiting for an answer.

"I knew your name because I asked people." I mentally applaud myself for quickly thinking a possible answer and for not stuttering. She just nodded. There was a moment of silence so I decided to speak.

"Listen Rihanna, I'm really sorry that I ran away from you earlier. I just really needed to take some air." I said truthfully.

"It's okay." She said and wiped away some stray tears on her cheek.

"By the way, we haven't properly met. I know your name, but you don't know mine." I smiled once she looked up at me. "My name is Natalie Wilson." I reached my hand out for her to shake.

"Robyn Rihanna Fenty." She shook my hand. "And I would like for you to call me Robyn instead of Rihanna." She laughed.

"Yes ma'am." I laughed with her.


Our little moment was cut short when we heard a voice yell. We looked up and saw that there was a fat lady who looked like a police officer. Judging by her attire, she definitely is a police officer and a fat one at that.

The police officer started walking towards us slowly. I looked at Rihanna, she looked nervous. I nudged her shoulder and she looked back at me.

"You okay?" I asked and noticed that the police officer is only a few feet away.

"Listen Natalie, when I say run, we run okay?" She whispered, looking back at the police officer. I just nodded.

"What are you girls doing out here and not in your schools?" The police officer asked once she was in front of us.

"Um... I don't actually go here." I said and Rihanna looked at me. "I just moved here yesterday." I added. The officer didn't even look phased. There was a moment of silence until Rihanna spoke.

"Oh no! Look!" Rihanna exclaimed and pointed at a corner. The officer quickly turned and looked at the direction where Rihanna was pointing. "Run." She whispered then started running, stringing me along in the process.

"There's noth- Hey!" The officer said once she had turned back around. She started running, actually it looked more like a new born baby struggling to walk because every 5 seconds she looked like she was about to fall.

I can't help but laugh at my thoughts. I don't even like to make fun of people, especially an officer, but this one is just really funny.

We kept running until we were out of the park and away from the officer. I couldn't believe that we actually ran away from an officer. I mean, this is my first time.

"Are you okay?" Rihanna asked, looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"Yeah. I just can't believe that we ran away from that police officer." I laughed. "I hope we're not in trouble though."

"Don't worry. We're not gonna be. Ever." She reassured.

"Oh yeah? And how do you know that?" I challenged.

"Because I do." She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I just looked at her, not satisfied with the answer. "What?"

"Nothing." I just shrugged it off, knowing well enough that I'm not gonna get the answer I've been wanting.

We continued to walk for what felt like hours, but in reality it's just for a couple of minutes. I have no idea where we were goin though. On the other hand, Rihanna seems to be preoccupied by something in her mind. Later on, my own mind averted back to my best friend, Anika.

I am really thankful to Anika for doing this to me. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have ever met Rihanna. I would have never experienced this. I wonder how she's doing. I hope she's doing good, especially because of the fact that I was her only friend. I hope she's not lonely. I should probably call her when I get back to the machinery.

"Natalie, what are you thinking about?" My train of thoughts were cut short when Rihanna nudged my shoulder.

"My best friend." I said truthfully.

"May I know who your bestie is?" She asked and looked everywhere but me.

I raised my eyebrows. "Why do you wanna know?" I didn't mean for it to come off as rude, but I guess it just did, oops.

"I... just do." She sighed.

"Anika, my bestie's name is Anika." She slightly nodded and avoided my gaze. I furrowed my eyebrows. I was confused as to why the sudden change of demeanor. I was also curious of what she was thinking. I think there's something wrong, judging from her expressions. "Rihanna, wha-."

"Robyn." She said and I immediately remembered that she told me to call her Robyn instead of Rihanna.

"Okay... Robyn, what's wrong?" To be honest, it felt weird to the tongue when I say her name. Especially when I know I'm talking to a girl.

"Nothing." Here we go again, back with the nothings.

"Come on, you can tell me anything." I said sincerely. "You can trust me." And it was true though. If she vented out to me right now and don't want nobody to know, I won't tell anybody... at all. I'm good at keeping secrets. How do you think I survived this long with her asking me these questions all the time? Or maybe it's called lying? Ehh.

"Really? You mean that?" She asked hopefully. I nodded and smiled reassuringly. She smiled a bit and then opened her mouth but then closed it again, almost as if she was contemplating if she should tell me something or not.

"Well?" I raised my eyebrow, awaiting for an answer.

"I think my life is just a mess that's all." She chuckled dryly.

Her life is a mess? How? Well, maybe she's talking about the bullying.

"Are you talking about the bullying?" I asked her, unsure if she was actually talking about the bullying. She looked at me then back at the sky.

"Natalie, I think we should head home. The sun is already setting." I looked up at the sky and realized that she was right. I nodded as an answer, but don't get me wrong, I know she dodged my question. But I'll just let her be... for now.

We headed for her house first. Of course, I wouldn't want her to see where I was staying at. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs when we arrived at her home.

"Bye, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I bid and started to walk off, but she grabbed my wrist. I raised my eyebrows for what felt like the 20th time today, but in reality, it was just 3 or 4 times.

"Um... I was just wondering, earlier you said that you just moved here. So does that mean you're going to the same school as me?" She asked with a hint of hope in her eyes.

"Maybe." I shrugged cause to be honest, I don't know how long I'm gonna stay here. Plus, Anika would go nuts if I decided to go out of the plan. Before I left, I promise her that I will go back to the present.

Robyn slightly nodded and let go of my hand before mumbling out a goodbye and going inside. I went back to the machinery and hurriedly opened the door. I sighed and plopped down.

Why do I feel like I want to stay?

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