6. Let it go

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Let it go
"Let it go", they all said
Just let it be
But she could not
Letting go is like letting go of herself
Letting go is like tearing a piece of herself
She begged him to stay as he shut the door in her face
As he shut the door her heart shut down too
She cant sleep
While awake at 2 am thinking about him
He is sleeping, not having the slightest idea what he's doing to her
She asks herself, "what did I do wrong?"
"Was I not enough?"
"Were my thighs too thick"
"Were my lips not full enough"
"Am I not beautiful enough for him?"
Those questions playing her mind like children at a park
All she ever wanted was to hear him tell her
Tell her how beautiful she is
That she is more that enough for him
Whisper sweet nothings in her ear
But then Rupi Kaur's voice played in her mind
"Let it go, let it leave, let it happen
Nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway
All you own is yourself"

Just a tiny reference; the last part of the poem is a quote from Rupi Kaur who is the most amazing poet and writer. You guys should check her poems out.😉
Oh and people she's not on wattpad😂 she's a professional writer and poet. So when I said you can check her out, I meant on the Internet.😎

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