14. The love for him

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I watched as he hurt her
Showing no love or regret
I watched as he kept on breaking her heart
And somehow her heart still had the strength to keep going;
The hope that he will change and tell her how much he loves her;
The unconditional love she has for him

It hurt me as a watcher
I felt her pain as she watched him bring a different girl every night
I watched as she kept on blaming herself for his behaviour

He hurt her emotionally and physically
The hospital became her second home
She had already started adapting to the uncomfortable beds
And everytime,
He would beg for her forgiveness
And she would take him back
Because she loves him

I felt anger consume me
She's not supposed to give into him just like that!
Suddenly I started to hate
I started to hate love
Suddenly I never wanted to fall in love
I closed the book with one last thought:
If this is what love does to someone, then I never want to fall in love.

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