22. Selfish-less

21 4 1

I let them go for you
Always putting you first
Too focused on keeping your heart in one piece;
I didn't realise that mine was already in half
I tried to be a good friend,
Be selfless,
I have always been selfish they said
Never thinking about others

I put your lust for him
Before my love for him
It hurt
But I had to be selfless;
Try to convince myself that I'm not selfish

You told me he's everything,
That he made you full
But only for the night
You didn't realise
I wanted to give you a chance with him
Convince myself that he's not the one for me
But the heart wants what it wants
As stubborn as my heart is,
Greater is my mind

With a piteous face I look at myself in the mirror
The things I do for the people around me
Kill me softly while they don't see

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