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It's funny how easily I can accept people
For who they are and what they are
For how they look and how they feel
For the decisions and mistakes they make
But why can I not accept myself?
For who I am and what I am
For how I look and how I feel
For the decisions and mistakes I make
Why do I replace myself with someone else?
Why do I understand others when I can't even understand myself?
Why is it so hard to be me?
The awkward but once you get to know talkative girl
The sometimes shy but loud and funny girl
The girl who accepts the scar on her face as a part of her
The girl who is emotional
The girl who enjoys crying in pain because it had become her routine
The girl who is a very good liar
The girl who loves singing, reading and writing
The girl who can't survive a day without being intimate with her music
The girl who's writing this right now
Talking about herself
The girl who wants someone to see her for who she is like she sees the others for who they are
The girl I've tried so hard to accept
Or maybe I already have,
Just haven't noticed yet

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