Chapter 5

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I swear the bags under my eyes are going to take some hours of sleep to fix. Shit I'm tired. Jade and I has been up and down every two hours taking care of Liz. The first time Liz cried in the middle of the night Jade jumped out of the bed and was in Liz's room before I could even get the covers off of me. And when I did get up Jade was in the kitchen holding Liz and making a bottle with one hand like Hannah did. She was also managing to keep Liz from crying. When I asked if she needed help she would just tell me to go back to sleep and that she got it. I would ask if she was sure and she'd just nod and I would go back to sleep. Do you understand how that made me feel seeing Jade like that? There are no words to describe the feelings I had at the time and still do have. Seeing Jade like that makes me want her more and the urge to get her to open up to me again and even more then before.

We took turns with taking care of her, but it got to the point where we were so tired that we forgot who turn it was so we just went in together. One making the bottle and the other keeping Liz from doing that scream cry that makes your ears want to bleed, she did that the last time Jade and I took too long getting out of bed because we were so tired. After she did that we were out of that bed in a heartbeat the next time she cried no matter how tired we were. Also she wasn't hungry every time she woke up she would either need her diaper changed or wanted somebody to sing her to sleep. I figured out that she wanted somebody to sing her to sleep when she woke refusing to take the bottle and she didn't need her diaper changed so I started to sing and rock her like I did before and she was sleep. I loved it when she wanted somebody to sing her to sleep because I love to hear Jade's singing voice. I like her voice when she's not singing to but that's beside the point right now. I'm guessing Sikowitz use to sing to her too.

Right now I'm trying to keep my face out my 'Cocoa Puffs'. T.G.I.F big time.

"Tori can you make me some coffee?" I hear Jade yell from upstairs. Who the hell does she think I am her wife? Wait I technically am her wife. Well don't I feel dumb. I groan standing up from her island walking over to the coffee maker and pouring some coffee that Jade had put on while she was singing to Liz. I smile at the thought, she was singing 'Hush Little Baby'. She wasn't singing the lyrics right but she was saying some pretty sweet stuff to her.

"Okay I just got off the phone with Sikowitz and he said Hannah is on her way." Jade says coming down the stairs with Liz in her arms. I smile as I finish making her coffee. Two sugars no cream. Don't judge me it's not my fault I do my homework. I sit her coffee on the island and sliding it slowly toward her and she hands me Liz. I smile when I look down at her shirt and see it says 'I'm cute and you know it.'

"Already making her cocky I see." I say looking back up at Jade and she gets a big smile on her face.

"No not cocky, self-confidents. There's a differences."

"Yes there is but this shirt says 'I'm cute and you know it'. Self-confident people don't boast on them-selves." I say pointing to her shirt.

"Yea well it's just stating the facts." She says sipping her coffee. I nod my head in agreement.

"Well I can't argue with that. Now can I?" I say looking down at Liz and she's looking at me with those beautiful hazel eyes saying 'Hell Naw.' I smile looking back at Jade as she sips her coffee and read something off her phone. While she isn't looking I might as well admire what she has on. She as on a black short sleeve with a white long sleeve undershirt, black skinny jeans and I'm guessing her famous red combat boots.

"Either you have a staring problem or you really like what you see." Jade says with a smirk. Damn it caught again.

"I do not have a staring problem," I scoff "I was just admiring your chose of clothing." It wasn't a lie.

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