Chapter 8

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One month later

All ready one month in this 'marriage'. Things have been hard and fun. Mind out the gutter I'm talking about with Jade, Liz, and Jess. Liz is one month now and she's really starting to make noises like grunting, cooing, gurgling and humming. It's really cute when Jade, Jess, or I are talking to her because she would respond back with those noises. Jess is the sweetest, funniest, loving, and caring little girl I have ever met. I love it when her and Jade argue. It would be over the littlest stuff like if Tweety Bird is a boy or girl same thing with Blue's Clues. They would argue about what to watch on TV. When it comes to that I just pick something scary and Jess is just like her big sister because once it comes on they both shut up. Jess is really good with Liz and a big help. She helps make bottles, change diapers, get her dressed just anything that have something to do with Liz she would help. I'm already attached to the little girl and I kind of just met her. I could tell Jade has gotten happier since Jess came back. Not saying she wasn't happy with me and Liz but it's something in those beautiful eyes that light up more than they already are when they when she sees Jess every morning. Every morning she would give Jess a kiss and hug. Jess doesn't fight it either she goes into it. It's a beautiful sight to see. I'm glad that they are reunited.

The first night Jess came back Jade gave Jess, Liz, and even me a kiss goodnight. The kiss wasn't on the lips. I wish but it was just on the cheek. She even started to give me good morning kisses and it always makes me smile and blush. She would laugh when I blush and say 'Got cha' before getting out of the bed and going to give Liz and Jess a good morning kiss.

Jade's mom already enrolled Jess into school and the good thing about that is the school is just across the street from HA. So it's easy to drop her off and pick her up after school. When we first dropped her off parents thought she was ours because we both gave her a kiss good-bye. When they came up to us they would tell us how cute she is and how she looks so much like Jade. We would tell them thank you and let them know she isn't ours, that she's Jade's little sister. They would be shocked and then just shake off and say how cute she is again and walk away. Jade and I would just laugh at how they thought she was ours and go to school. At school things are good just a little tense when we come around Beck. He still wants to be with Jade. Jade told me about the time we went to the carnival that day and how he came to her asking to get back together and she rejected him. I asked why even though I already knew why. She joked saying 'Now what type of husband would I be if I cheated on my wife?' I laugh at her and ask the real reason. She said she didn't have feelings for him anymore and that she has feelings for somebody else. I asked who and she smirked saying 'Wouldn't you like to know?' I roll my eyes secretly hoping and still am hoping I'm the one she has feelings for.

"Tori grab those 'Flaming Hot'." Jade says pointing to the bag of hot chips.

"You really shouldn't eat these. They mess up your stomach." I say grabbing them anyway and throwing them in the cart. Right now we are at the 'Wal-Mart'.

"You're acting like I eat them all the time." she says walking ahead a little looking at some stuff on the shelves.

"Still it messes it up. Isn't that right?" I say talking to Liz as she looks around the store from her strapped in car seat. When she hears my voice she looks at me smiling and making a humming noises and kicking her feet a little. I smile down at the blacked hair hazel eyed baby. "See she agrees with me." I say looking back at Jade and she smiles rolling her eyes and continues to look and put stuff in the cart.

"Only reason why is because she doesn't understand what you're saying and she's baby so of course she's going to agree with you." I roll eyes and make a face at Liz making her smile really big. I love her smile even if she doesn't have any teeth yet.

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