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Sometimes, life smacks you in the face with a giant bat and expects you to be okay with it.

It was May 15, 2014, a beautiful Thursday that was crushed by the news of a departure, Wu Yifan filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment to terminate his contract. It was a rumor before but it was confirmed.

Suho just curled into himself when we saw the post trend throughout the internet. I didn't know what to do, but I saw two certain members with unusual looks in their eyes.

Lu Han filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment on October 10, 2014. The same year Wu Yifan left.

I stood there emotionless, I thought I still had Tao by my side, but I was wrong. Completely wrong.

Huang Zitao left and filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment on August 24, 2015.

Thank you world. Thank you for hitting me with a bat and forcing me to deal with it. It's 2017 and I'm still not over it, my heart is completely broken and even though I've tried to distract myself, the memories still come back to haunt me.

-May 1, 2014-

"Kris, are you sure about this?" I heard Suho ask him, I knew I shouldn't have been listening to them but my curiosity got to me.

"If I wasn't sure I wouldn't be telling you this." He argued to him, I peaked in only to see Suho turn his head to hide his tears. I wanted to go in and ask what was going on but being the idiot I am, just stood there in silence.

"I thought we were a team, you're M and I'm K! you can't be doing this! Not at the peak of our careers!"

"We were a team, Junmyeon. It's over now, the lawsuit is already in place, the news should be coming up soon. There's nothing that can change my mind."

What lawsuit was he talking about?

"At least tell the members, they deserve at least that."

"Yes, because I'm just gonna tell them that I hate it here and that I'm leaving. It's better for them to find out like everyone else."

"No, I won't let you leave unless you tell them, this is your shit and you're their leader!"

"You're also the leader! More of one than I am!"

That wasn't true, they both held up EXO, without one of them, it would be a plate ready to fall and shatter over the world.

"That is not true! You will tell them because if you don't, you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"Fine, if that's what you want, then I'll do it."

Hyung stayed quiet after that, it took me a minute to process what was going on, but I finally got it. It took me too long, though, because I was caught listening in when Suho-hyung tried to storm out.

"Sehunnie, I didn't realize you were here. Did you need something?" I shook my head and turned to our room. I felt his hand on my shoulder but I kept walking. Kris was a father to me, and to see him leave felt like a huge rock slamming my heart down.

Wu Yifan told EXO that he was leaving the next morning. It all went downhill from there.

Congratulations, you won.

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