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Why is it that when one falls in love, they do the craziest things?

-July 2nd, 2016-

There are many unfair things in this world.

Some I can't control, some I can.

I wish I could control the sadness Junmyeon must feel right now.

I miss him, but I'm so happy here, I don't know what to do now.

"Honey, you're phone has been ringing non-stop... I think you should at least respond to one of them."

He's right, but what do I even say?

"I will, I bet it's Baekhyun this time or maybe Jongin."

He smiles and leaves a small peck on my lips.

I have to answer it, don't I?

"...Hello?" I hear gasps, then a quiet sob.

"Sehun? Oh my goodness, Sehun! You finally picked up!" It was no other than my leader.

"Hey..." After not talking to him for so long, I don't know what to say.

I don't know how I should excuse my actions or if I want to.

I hear a small beep; it seems as I was on speaker and he's just taken me off.

"How are you? Are you okay? Where are you? Why haven't you answered any of our calls or texts?" His questions just kept going, not giving me a chance to answer.

"I'm sorry, I know there's more you want to hear, but I can't give you full sentences, honestly." I feel Lu grab my hand and kiss it gently.

After a few minutes of sniffing and small whispers, someone else speaks.

"It's not fair, Sehun... Not you, too! You know how hard it was for us after the other three left! Please... Don't make us an 8-membered group..." The words and tone of Jongdae's voice tore my heart a little.

I wish they hated me.

It would be easier, no?

"...I'm sorry."

"Sehun, wait-" Before Jongdae could finish his sentence, I ended the call.

I stayed there, quiet as a mouse.

"Sehun, are you okay? Do you need some time alone?"

I shook my head and kissed his hand.

Slowly, I got up and held his body close to mine.

I love him.

Those people that say you have to love yourself enable to love someone else are complete liars.

Loving yourself is a long and difficult process; it goes on for ages on end.

I realized that it's okay to love someone else.

Love is something that can be learned through others.

This tenderness and affection we get from people can be absolutely amazing!

It can also be crushing, but when I'm with him, I feel complete.

I may not love myself, but I'm learning.

It's breathtaking and makes me bubble up with pride.

"I need to go back to Korea. It's only for a little bit, so I promise I'll be back." Lu Han looked up and smiled with his pearly white teeth showing.

"If you're going back, then I'll come with you."

"But you have a full schedule, I don't want to bother you..."

"Baby, for you, I'll do anything."

He's my whole world.

What the hell did I do to deserve him?

-In EXO's dorm, July 7th, 2016, Third POV-

"Baekhyun, please talk to me, you haven't spoken for days."

When he heard the conversation between Jongdae and Sehun, he wanted to throw everything out the window and take a plane to China. 

He missed the bratty, obnoxious boy so much that it started to physically hurt.

"What the fuck have we done for not three, but FOUR to leave this damn group? I understand that the company is shit, but damn, to leave without a word?! What have we done to them that was so fucking bad that they just disappeared?! I'm so done with this... I-I just want to wake up from this nightmare..." Baekhyun screamed into the air, throwing a pillow across the room and his closet door.

Junmyeon watched in silence, quiet as he saw the boy have a meltdown. He felt a similar feeling but decided to not show it. As the only leader left, he had to keep his persona in check for he had 8 other people to care for, well, 7 people to care for, now.

He felt frustration, betrayal, hurt, and all he could do was sit and listen to what the company told him to do. 

He was done.

He sacrificed too much.

He lost too much.

"We're leaving."

Junmyeon spoke quietly, causing Baekhyun to look up from his hands. His eyes were filled with tears, eyes puffy and red.

"I thought we didn't have a schedule."

"We don't, so pack up. When I mean pack up, I mean pack everything you own."

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