Take Me Home

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-After Dinner-

That was some good food, I'm still wondering if Lu Han will call me back.

I have a feeling he won't.

This is nice.

"Let's open presents, yeah?" Suho clapped his hands together, excited for me to open boxes of socks and underwear.

"Open mine last!" Of course, Baekhyun says that.

I start opening things up, as expected I get socks and underwear from most of them; although, there's one present that has a present that has two names.

It says, "To Sehun, from Kris and Tao, we hope you like it!" The package seems old.

I don't open it.

"C'mon, I found this the other day, before both of them left. Please?" The oldest gave me puppy eyes which is highly unusual.

"Fine." I open it and it's a stack of limited addition manga with action figures. I try not to cry.

"Do you like it?" It's not even an important age, why am I getting this now?

"Yeah, yeah I like it." I stutter in between but manage, keep it together.

"Thank you for finding this." He pats my back and stands up with the rest.

"Wait, you guys didn't even wait for mine!" Baekhyun shoves them all back into their seats and runs to his room like a mad one.

"I bet it's some dirty toy he found online."

"Chanyeol shut your pie hole!" Suho throws him a pillow and Chen smacks him upside the head.

"Okay, here." Baekhyun hands me a flat, wrapped box, I open it.

It's a picture of Lu Han and me after the first time we played Overdose. Man, he looked fine as hell.

They look mad.

"Like hyung did, I found this while cleaning up."

"Whoa, you cleaned up?" I joked and he pouted.

"Shush! You don't have to keep it." He took it back. Please, don't take him away.

"No, I love it. I have to ask, though, why are you guys giving all of this now? I mean, it's not all that important. I'm just turning a year older."

"We thought you might need it! No more questions, we have a busy day tomorrow." I sat there confused out of my mind but kept quiet.

They went to their rooms while I gathered the rest of my belongings, the bunny stayed back.

"Go to sleep."

"Sehun, do you really like it?"

"The picture I love. It's the only thing I want to look at right now."

"You're welcome." He leans down and messes up my hair.

That night, I don't sleep alone.

-April 20, 2016-

From me to you.

Today's the day that Lu Han was born, the day the love of my life was brought into the world.

I will always thank his parents for what a wonderful, independent, beautiful child they created. It's amazing what people can do.

"Hi! This is Lu Han! I'm sorry I'm too busy to answer but I will try to return! Please leave a message!"

"Happy birthday, I hope you're doing well. Call me back when you get this, you don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought you could. Okay, I'm going to stop, bye."

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