My Neighbor, the Sociopath?

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"Mycroft I am not a babysitter," I groaned.

"You'll like him," Lestrade insisted.

"Not you too Lestrade, you said it yourself. The man's a psychopath."

"Sociopath," Mycroft muttered under his breath.

I sat and rubbed my temples, staring at the lease form sitting on the table before me. It was for 221C Baker Street. The two men before were practically begging me to move there, going so far as to offer to pay the rent for the first few months. It all seemed great until I realized who lived next door. It's not like I hated the men, there are very few people I hate. I have merely heard of the ruckus they cause on a weekly basis.

"You pay the rent?" I questioned defeated.

"For the first year," Mycroft agreed.


"He needs a friend," Lestrade chipped in.

"So you're paying off some poor girl to become friends with your brother? Wish I had a sibling like you," I laughed.

Holmes shrugged with a sheepish grin.

"I also need you to keep an eye on him."

So there it is. He needed a spy. With a sigh, I gripped the pen in my hand so tightly it nearly snapped before using it to scribble my signature onto the form. After all, I needed a change of scenery and police work always interested me. Most people thought I was too friendly to be part of any secret operations, making me perfect for the job.

"Perfect," Mycroft clapped, shooting me a smile.

"Don't sound so excited. You two practically cornered me," I huffed, knowing I had been manipulated.

The two men grinned and the air of the room grew stale.

"If you will excuse me, I have to pack," I said, pushing myself from the comfortable chair onto my feet.

"Already done," Mycroft informed.

"For gods sake man. Privacy!" I exclaimed, shooting a playful glare in the direction of the eldest Holmes brother.

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