Breakable Facade

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Unfortunately the case became more grim after we received and opened a box Scotland Yard had taken from Sherlock's flat. Inside was a pink phone similar to the one from "A Study in Pink" which soon gave us an encrypted message resembling warning orange pips. On the brighter side of things, I finally snapped and broke agent Donovan's nose after she grew a taunting smirk at the idea of Sherlock not having knowledge of the solar system. The slight smile that John and Sherlock cracked made it all the more worth it. Even Lestrade was unable to keep a smirk from appearing on his face as she was led out of the room by Anderson.

"Shouldn't have done that," Lestrade muttered, unable to keep the amusement from tainting his tone as Sherlock continued to study a photo of a fireplace that had come alongside the pips, the smile still prevalent on his lips.

"She deserved it," I shrugged as Sherlock muttered something about the familiarity of the photo before bustling outside, sure that John and I would follow.

"Bye Lestrade," I smiled tiredly before hugging him tightly.

The action made Sherlock stop in his tracks and I could almost see his hand twitch as he shot us a glare over his shoulder, eliciting a worried chuckle from Lestrade as we parted.

"Goodbye Em," the inspector replied as I jogged after the detective with John on my heels.

Outside, Sherlock was already waiting for us inside a cab but did not give us so much of a glance. Although his manners were quite horrid, I appreciated that he had at least waited for us. With a sigh of realization that the behavior likely would be present the entire ride, I slipped into the center seat. John settled beside me and the driver took off as soon as the door closed, apparently already having been told our destination. As we rode in silence, I glanced over to Sherlock who was staring back at me skeptically, as though trying to decipher a code.

"Sherlock?" I whispered questioningly, breaking him from his trance and causing him to avert his gaze to the window.

With a sigh, I quietly placed my hand over his that was rested on his knee before holding my breath. I let out the small breath of air when he did not pull away and instead turned his hand over to intertwine my fingers with his own. It was then that I heard a soft sound of realization from beside us.

"Oh," John muttered, eyeing our interlocked hands with a look of accomplishment.

"I knew it!" he said happily, snapping Sherlock's attention to him as he gestured at our hands.

"No you didn't," Sherlock responded monotonously before returning to staring out the car window, but not releasing my hand and instead giving it a light squeeze.

"I did," John scoffed as the cab parked beside our flat.

Sherlock glanced at me before climbing out of the vehicle, not releasing his grip and instead nearly sending me into the concrete of the sidewalk. Fortunately he held me up and tugged me towards him to stabilize me before looking down coldly.

"Sorry," he said boredly before releasing my hand and jogging inside.

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